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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. (Cristina) Batista Paulino, Prof Dr


Membrane-embedded CdaA is required for efficient synthesis of second messenger cyclic di-AMP

Structural basis for excitatory neuropeptide signaling

Structural basis of the obligatory exchange mode of human neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2

The substrate-binding domains of the osmoregulatory ABC importer OpuA transiently interact

Expulsion mechanism of the substrate-translocating subunit in ECF transporters

Structures of a sperm-specific solute carrier gated by voltage and cAMP

Struktur eines spannungsregulierten Membrantransporters aus Spermien

Biparatopic sybodies neutralize SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and mitigate drug resistance

Cryo-EM studies of membrane proteins at 200 keV

Inhibited KdpFABC transitions into an E1 off-cycle state


Beweglichkeit der Spermien – warum sind manche Spermien mobiler?

Membrane Transporter Ensures Mobility of Sperm Cells

Membrantransporter sorgen für Mobilität von Spermienzellen

Los científicos decodifican la ‘proteína LEGO’ que hace nadar a los espermatozoides

Het is oké om kinderen te krijgen - Ouders in de wetenschap moet je koesteren

Zestien vernieuwende onderzoeksprojecten van start via ENW-KLEIN

Sixteen innovative research projects launched through Domain Science-KLEIN

Dr. Paulino and Prof. Poolman receive ENW-KLEIN grant

Dual brake on transport protein prevents cells from exploding

Scientists elucidate the structure of ABC transporter protein