C. (Claudia) Minchilli, PhD

Ted Meijer Prize 2022 by the KNIR (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome) - Best dissertation in the Humanities for the PhD thesis: 'Localizing Digital Diasporas: Diasporic Digital Networking among Somali, Romanian and Turkish women in Rome through the lens of social class'
Scholarly publications
Minchilli, Claudia (2024). "Untrustworthy social capital: Romanian migrant women’s online and offline diasporic networking in Rome", Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 15:1, pp. 89–104, https://doi.org/10.1386/ cjmc_00093_1
Minchilli, Claudia and Sandra Ponzanesi (2023). "Digital Media and Migration. Reflections from the Southern Margins of Europe" in Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl and Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.), Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobility and Racism in Postcolonial Europe. London: Routledge.
Minchilli, Claudia (2021), ‘Localizing diasporic digital media practices: Social stratification and community making among Somali women living in Rome’, Journal of Global Diaspora & Media, 2:1, pp. 73–89, https://doi. org/10.1386/gdm_00015_1
Minchilli, Claudia (2021). Localizing Digital Diasporas. Diasporic digital networking among Somali, Romanian and Turkish women in Rome through the lens of social class. Utrecht University. https://doi.org/10.33540/1044
Alinejad, Donya, Laura Candidatu, Melis Mevsimler, Claudia Minchilli, Sandra Ponzanesi and Fernando Van Der Vlist (2019). “Diaspora and mapping Methodologies: tracing transnational digital connections with ‘mattering maps’” in Global Networks, 1-23; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/glob.12197
Minchilli, Claudia (2017). ’Considerations on the Digital Subaltern: Researching Migrant Women’s Transnational Online Practices’ in Cinéma&Cie, 28 (Spring), 112- 114
Popular publications
Minchilli, Claudia (November, 2022), 'Io non parlo Meridionale', in 'Sud', Menelique Magazine.
Minchilli, Claudia (May, 2021), ‘Perchè parlare di diaspora’, in 'Diaspora', Menelique Magazine; https://www.menelique.com/perche-parlare-di-diaspora/
24-27 September 2024, Ljubljana. ECREA Conference "Communication and Social (dis)order". Title: 'Diasporic disruptions in pandemic and post-pandemic times: Somali and Syrian refugee women's digital practices in Rome'.
23-26 July 2024, Barcelona. EASA Conference 'Doing and Undoing with Anthropology'; title: 'Doing it locally. Researching migrant women's digital diasporic networking in Rome'
7-8 December 2023, Rotterdam. ECREA (Diaspora Migration and Media) Conference 'Transnational families and media practices: methods, ethics and critical approaches'; title 'Localizing transnational family relations: digital media practices of Somali refugee women in Rome'
15-19 November 2023, AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting 'Transitions' in Toronto, Canada; Virtual roundtable 'A Double-Edged Sword: Migrant Intersections with Modern Technologies'.
13 October 2023, University of Iceland, Reyikjavìk. Post-publication conference 'Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe'. Title: "Digital Media and Migration: Reflections from the Southern Margins of Europe".
22-23 June 2023, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Conference Migration and Societal Change. Organizer and chair of the panel: "Digital Theories and Methodologies from the South(s)".
21-23 April 2021, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. ERC project CONNECTING EUROPE. Online Conference “Migrant Belongings. Digital Practices and the Everyday”. Title: “Localizing diasporic digital media practices: social stratification and community making among Somali women living in Rome”
30-31 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium. ECREA (Diaspora, Migration and the Media) conference “Digital Fortress Europe: Exploring Boundaries between Media, Migration and Technology”. Title: “Understanding diaspora through the lenses of digital diaspora: The case of Romanian women living in Rome”.
31 October - 3 November 2018, Lugano (Switzerland); ECREA Conference “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation”. Title: “Being Afro-Italian and Somali: Digital connectedness and shades of diasporic identity and belongings among women of Somali background in postcolonial Italy”.
10-11 April 2018, Columbia University (NYC); International Conference “Migration and Mobility in a Digital Age: Paradoxes of Connectivity and Belonging”. Title: “Somali Women in Postcolonial Italy: Identity Construction Through Digital Connectedness”.
2-3 November 2017, Bilbao. ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media section; title: “Transnational digital connectivity among Romanian women living in Rome”.
26-27 October 2017, Amsterdam. ACGS International conference “Postcolonial Mediations: Globalisation and Displacement”. Title: “Postcolonial Entanglements: Somali Women’s Transnational and Local Digital Practices in Rome”.
24-25 July 2017, SOAS - University of London, conference ‘Challenges in Queer and Feminist Migration and Diaspora Studies’; title: “Tracing digital Diasporas through ‘mattering maps’: using feminist ethnography for big data research on migration”.
28-30 June 2017, IMISCOE Rotterdam; title: ‘Mapping Digital Diaspora: Legacies and Challenges’.
9-12 November 2016, Prague, ECREA Conference; title: “Not All the Roads Lead to Rome: Romanian Women's Digital Strategies to Overcome Social Borders in the Capital City”.
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