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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C.M. (Caitlin) Ryan, Dr


Gendered Citizenship: Land Reform, Authority, and the Limits of “Gender Equality” in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Invoking ‘the Customary’ in the Formalization of Land Reform in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Sustaining gender: Natural resource management, conflict prevention, and the UN Sustaining Peace agenda in times of climate catastrophe

(Gendered) resilience in community-based natural resource management in fragile and conflict-affected settings

The company is here to do goodness to us: Imaginaries of development, whiteness, and patronage in Sierra Leone's agribusiness investment deals

Introduction: (Re)integrating Feminist Security Studies and Global Political Economy: Continuing the Conversation through Empirical Perspectives

Subverting economic empowerment: Towards a postcolonial-feminist framework on gender (in)securities in post-war settings

(Analog) mapping the knowable and ways of knowing: Relational ontologies of chickens and ancestors in rural Sierra Leone

Large-scale land deals in Sierra Leone at the intersection of gender and lineage

Resilience, resistance, infrapolitics and enmeshment