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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu

prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu

Profielfoto van prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu

Appointments and Affiliations

  • 2024 – present; Professor (Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organization); University of Groningen (the Netherlands)

  • 2023 – present; Research Affiliate, German Primate Center, Göttingen (Germany).

  • 2021 – present; Fellow, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen

  • 2019 – present; Research Affiliate, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands

  • 2019 (Spring). Visiting Professor, “Sapienza” University of Rome (Italy)

  • 2016 – present; Distinguished Research Fellow, the University of Oxford

  • 2016 – 2024; Professor of social, economic and organisational psychology; Leiden University.

  • 2015 – 2022; Professor of Behavioral Economics (0.2fte), University of Amsterdam

  • 2015 – 2016; Netherlands Institute for Advanced Sciences (Rector’s Fellow)

  • 2012 – present; Fellow, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences

  • 2010 – present; Fellow, Association of Psychological Science

  • 2009 – Fellow, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

  • 2008 – 2011; President, European Association for Social Psychology

  • 2001 – 2002; President, International Association for Conflict Management

  • 1998 – 2015; Professor of Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam

  • 1997 (Fall); Visiting Research Affiliate; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.

  • 1994 – 1999; Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences; University of Groningen (1994-1995), Yale University (fall 1995), and University of Amsterdam (1996-1999);

  • 1991 – 1992; Fulbright Fellow; University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

  • 1990 – 1993; PhD student (AiO); Social Psychology, University of Groningen.

  • 1989 (Fall); European Cultural Counsil Research Fellow, Université de Genève.

Honours and Awards (selection)

  • Humboldt Research Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 2024.

  • McGrath Lifetime Achievement Award, Interdisciplinary Network of Group Research, 2022.

  • Spinoza Award. Netherlands Science Foundation, 2018.

  • Ed and Carole Diener Award. Society for Social and Personality Psychology, 2017.

  • Hendrik Muller Award, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 2015.

  • Kurt Lewin Medal, European Association for Social Psychology, 2014.

  • William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, Society for Industrial and Organiz. Psychology, 2014.

  • Most Influential Publication Awards. Academy of Management (2009, 2010); International Association for Conflict Management (2000, 2002, 2008).

  • Jos Jaspers Early Academic Career Award. European Association for Social Psychology, 1996.

  • Outstanding Dissertation Award. International Association for Conflict Management, 1994.

Keynote Presentations and Symposia (selection)

  • International Network on Group Research, Rotterdam, 2025 (forthcoming).

  • International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, on-line, 2024

  • Biannual Conference of Behavioural Biology, Groningen, 2022.

  • Annual Congress of Italian Psychology Association, Rome, 2019.

  • European Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience Meeting, Leiden, 2018.

  • Chinese Neuroscience Society, Beijing, 2017.

  • 16th International Congress on Social Dilemmas, Toarmina (Italy), 2017.

  • Society for Affective and Social Neuroscience, New York, 2016.

  • International Meeting Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Madrid, 2013.

  • Association of Psychological Science, Stockholm, 2011.

  • Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Minneapolis, 2010.

  • Society for Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Amsterdam, 2001.

  • European Association for Social Psychology, Graz, 1996.

Laatst gewijzigd:16 augustus 2024 15:41