prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu

Appointments and Affiliations
2024 – present; Professor (Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organization); University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
2023 – present; Research Affiliate, German Primate Center, Göttingen (Germany).
2021 – present; Fellow, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
2019 – present; Research Affiliate, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands
2019 (Spring). Visiting Professor, “Sapienza” University of Rome (Italy)
2016 – present; Distinguished Research Fellow, the University of Oxford
2016 – 2024; Professor of social, economic and organisational psychology; Leiden University.
2015 – 2022; Professor of Behavioral Economics (0.2fte), University of Amsterdam
2015 – 2016; Netherlands Institute for Advanced Sciences (Rector’s Fellow)
2012 – present; Fellow, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
2010 – present; Fellow, Association of Psychological Science
2009 – Fellow, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
2008 – 2011; President, European Association for Social Psychology
2001 – 2002; President, International Association for Conflict Management
1998 – 2015; Professor of Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam
1997 (Fall); Visiting Research Affiliate; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
1994 – 1999; Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences; University of Groningen (1994-1995), Yale University (fall 1995), and University of Amsterdam (1996-1999);
1991 – 1992; Fulbright Fellow; University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.
1990 – 1993; PhD student (AiO); Social Psychology, University of Groningen.
1989 (Fall); European Cultural Counsil Research Fellow, Université de Genève.
Honours and Awards (selection)
Humboldt Research Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 2024.
McGrath Lifetime Achievement Award, Interdisciplinary Network of Group Research, 2022.
Spinoza Award. Netherlands Science Foundation, 2018.
Ed and Carole Diener Award. Society for Social and Personality Psychology, 2017.
Hendrik Muller Award, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Kurt Lewin Medal, European Association for Social Psychology, 2014.
William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, Society for Industrial and Organiz. Psychology, 2014.
Most Influential Publication Awards. Academy of Management (2009, 2010); International Association for Conflict Management (2000, 2002, 2008).
Jos Jaspers Early Academic Career Award. European Association for Social Psychology, 1996.
Outstanding Dissertation Award. International Association for Conflict Management, 1994.
Keynote Presentations and Symposia (selection)
International Network on Group Research, Rotterdam, 2025 (forthcoming).
International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, on-line, 2024
Biannual Conference of Behavioural Biology, Groningen, 2022.
Annual Congress of Italian Psychology Association, Rome, 2019.
European Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience Meeting, Leiden, 2018.
Chinese Neuroscience Society, Beijing, 2017.
16th International Congress on Social Dilemmas, Toarmina (Italy), 2017.
Society for Affective and Social Neuroscience, New York, 2016.
International Meeting Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Madrid, 2013.
Association of Psychological Science, Stockholm, 2011.
Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Minneapolis, 2010.
Society for Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Amsterdam, 2001.
European Association for Social Psychology, Graz, 1996.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 16 augustus 2024 15:41 |