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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.J.C. (Claudine ) Lamoth


Explaining deep learning models for age-related gait classification based on acceleration time series

Difference in daily tasks execution and elbow joint load: a comparison between patients after total elbow arthroplasty and healthy controls

Elbow Joint Loads during Simulated Activities of Daily Living: Implications for Formulating Recommendations after Total Elbow Arthroplasty

Establishing central sensitization inventory cut-off values in Dutch-speaking patients with chronic low back pain by unsupervised machine learning

Neural Correlates of Balance Skill Learning in Young and Older Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

The extent to which healthy older adults rely on anticipatory control following simulated slip exposure

Unobtrusive machine learning based leg position detection during seated office work

Age and walking conditions differently affect domains of gait

Natural ageing primarily affects the initial response to a sustained walking perturbation but not the ability to adapt over time

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Healthy living as a service voor duurzame verbetering leefstijl

Subsidie voor slimme technologie om levensstijl blijvend te verbeteren

UMCG: subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren

UMCG: Ruim miljoen subsidie voor thuis revalidatie

UMCG krijgt subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren

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Gezond ouder worden, Beweeg!

Ouder worden, wat gebeurt er met je spieren en hoeveel zou je moeten bewegen

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