C. (Cinara) Gambirage, PhD

Dr. Cinara Gambirage is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at the Department of Innovation Management and Strategy, University of Groningen. Her broad research interests lie in the areas of strategy and international business. The focus of her research considers the role of nonmarket political strategy and institutional environment in emerging markets firms internationalization. Cinara has received nominations for awards, including the AIB SE 2018 Best Conference Paper and the AIB SE 2019 Best Student Paper. In 2021 AOM, she received the Best Reviewer Award from the International Management division. Her research has been published in journals like Long Range Planning, European Business Review, Resources Policy and Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. She hold her doctoral studies in Business Management at Regional University of Blumenau and her post doctoral studies in International Business at Fundação Getulio Vargas (EBAPE). She also was PhD visiting scholar at the department of international business at Florida International University business school.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 21 oktober 2024 13:28 |