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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. C.E.G. (Christian) Steglich


Parents on the Sidelines: The Role of Parental Directing in Chinese Adolescents’ Friendship Dynamics Related to Academic Achievement, Aggression, and Prosocial Behavior

The Dominance of Liking: Uncovering Dyadic and Reputational Effects of Peer and Perceived Teacher Likes and Dislikes on Friendship Dynamics Among Chinese Adolescents

Does having vulnerable friends help vulnerable youth? The co-evolution of friendships, victimization, and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents' social networks

Networked solidarity economy: Gender in interorganizational networks. An evaluation with ERGMs

Stochastic network modeling as generative social science

The development of peer networks and academic performance in learning communities in higher education

Identifying collaboration dynamics of bipartite author-topic networks with the influences of interest changes

Missing data in cross-sectional networks - An extensive comparison of missing data treatment methods

Statistical Power in Longitudinal Network Studies

The Interplay Between Adolescents' Friendships and the Exchange of Help: A Longitudinal Multiplex Social Network Study


Durch dick und dünn – was Freundschaft bewirkt

Die Augen der Soziologie. Was mathematische Modelle sichtbar machen