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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. (Canan) Çakirlar, PhD




Catch of the day: Abundance and size data of groupers (Epinephelidae) and combers (Serranidae) from Middle to Late Holocene Levantine archaeological contexts

Ancient and modern DNA track temporal and spatial population dynamics in the European fallow deer since the Eemian interglacial

Ancient mitogenomes from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Central Anatolia and the effects of a Late Neolithic bottleneck in sheep (Ovis aries)

Conspicuous cattle: Zooarchaeological evidence for elite consumption in 2nd-millennium BCE Western Anatolia

Earliest Records of Holocene Cetaceans in the Black Sea

Early animal management in northern Europe: multi-proxy evidence from Swifterbant, the Netherlands

Pearl Fisheries in South Asia: Archaeological Evidence from Pre-Colonial and Colonial Shell Middens around the Gulf of Mannar in Sri Lanka

Sea turtle shells in the Netherlands: Zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry and stable isotope analysis identify species and provenance

Seçkin sığırlar: MÖ 2. binyıl Batı Anadolusu’nda elit tüketimine dair zooarkeolojik veriler

Stable isotope analysis of faunal remains from Bronze Age Kaymakçı, Western Anatolia


Mysterieus hondenskelet geeft steeds meer geheimen prijs

Het damhert was eerder in Europa dan de mens

Hoe oud is de terpenhond in het Fries Museum?

Picky green sea turtle has travelled to the same place to eat for generations

De Kennis van Nu Special

Voorouder van kip kwam veel later dan gedacht uit de bossen om bij de mens te gaan wonen

International news coverage: 2,300 year-old fish at Hellenistic Patara

Ontdekking oudste koemelk van Nederland verschuift onze boerengeschiedenis eeuwen naar voren

La Vanguardia (Spanish newspaper) covering our archaeological sea turtle research