dr. C.A.T. (Inge) Zijdewind

- NIH-NINDS FORE-SCI "Cortical activatie in patienten na spinal cord beschadiging" (2007-2008)
- Pilot grant stichting MS research stichting "Centrale vermoeidheid in MS patienten (2006/2007)
- NWO-Cognitie "Interaction between cognitive and motor performance during fatigue" (2002-2006)
1. Post M, Steens A, Renken R, Maurits N, Zijdewind I. (2008) Voluntary Activation and Cortical Activity During a Sustained Maximal Contraction: An fMRI Study. Human Brain Mapping, in press.
2. van Duinen H, Renken R, Maurits NM, Zijdewind I. (2008) Relation between muscle and brain activity during isometric contractions of the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Human Brain Mapping Mar; 29:281-99.
3. van Duinen H, Post M, Vaartjes K, Hoogduin H, Zijdewind I. (2007) MR compatible strain gauge based force transducer. J Neurosci Methods. 164:247-54.
4. van Duinen H, Renken R, Maurits N, Zijdewind I (2007) Effects of motor fatigue on human brain activity, an fMRI study. Neuroimage 35:1438-49
5. Post M, van Duinen H, Steens A, Renken R, Kuipers B, Maurits N, Zijdewind I (2007). Reduced cortical activity during maximal bilateral contractions of the index finger.
Neuroimage 35:16-27.
6. Zijdewind I , Butler JE, Gandevia SC and Taylor JL (2006) The origin of activity in the biceps brachii muscle during voluntary contractions of the contralateral elbow flexor muscles. Exp Brain Res. 175: 526-35
7. Zijdewind I , van Duinen H, Zielman R and Lorist MM (2006) Interaction between force production and cognitive performance in humans. Clin Neurophysiol 117: 660-667
8. Thomas CK and Zijdewind I (2006) Fatigue of muscles weakened by death of motoneurons. Muscle Nerve 33: 21-41
9. van Duinen H, Zijdewind I, Hoogduin H and Maurits N (2005) Surface EMG measurements during fMRI at 3T: accurate EMG recordings after artifact correction. Neuroimage 27: 240-246
10. van Duinen H, Lorist MM and Zijdewind I (2005) The effect of caffeine on cognitive task performance and motor fatigue. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 180: 539-547
11. Butler JE, Ribot-Ciscar E, Zijdewind I and Thomas CK (2004) Increased blood pressure can reduce fatigue of thenar muscles paralyzed after spinal cord injury. Muscle Nerve 29: 575-584
12. Zijdewind I , Toering ST, Bessem B, Van Der Laan O and Diercks RL (2003) Effects of imagery motor training on torque production of ankle plantar flexor muscles. Muscle Nerve 28: 168-173
13. Zijdewind I and Thomas CK (2003) Motor unit firing during and after voluntary contractions of human thenar muscles weakened by spinal cord injury. J Neurophysiol 89: 2065-2071
14. Lorist MM, Kernell D, Meijman TF and Zijdewind I (2002) Motor fatigue and cognitive task performance in humans. J Physiol 545: 313-319
15. Thomas CK, Butler JE and Zijdewind I (2002) Patterns of pathological firing in human motor units. Adv Exp Med Biol 508: 237-244
16. Thomas CK, Nelson G, Than L and Zijdewind I (2002) Motor unit activation order during electrically evoked contractions of paralyzed or partially paralyzed muscles. Muscle Nerve 25: 797-804
17. Zijdewind I and Thomas CK (2001) Spontaneous motor unit behavior in human thenar muscles after spinal cord injury. Muscle Nerve 24: 952-962
18. Zijdewind I and Kernell D (2001) Bilateral interactions during contractions of intrinsic hand muscles. J Neurophysiol 85: 1907-1913
19. Bigland-Ritchie B, Zijdewind I and Thomas CK (2000) Muscle fatigue induced by stimulation with and without doublets. Muscle Nerve 23: 1348-1355
20. Zijdewind I , Zwarts MJ and Kernell D (2000) Potentiating and fatiguing cortical reactions in a voluntary fatigue test of a human hand muscle. Exp Brain Res 130: 529-532
21. Zijdewind I , Zwarts MJ and Kernell D (1999) Fatigue-associated changes in the electromyogram of the human first dorsal interosseous muscle. Muscle Nerve 22: 1432-1436
22. Zijdewind I , Zwarts MJ and Kernell D (1998) Influence of a voluntary fatigue test on the contralateral homologous muscle in humans? Neurosci Lett 253: 41-44
23. Zijdewind I , de Groot MC and Kernell D (1998) Task-related variations in motoneuronal drive to a human intrinsic hand muscle. Neurosci Lett 242: 139-142
24. Zijdewind I , Kernell D and Kukulka CG (1995) Spatial differences in fatigue-associated electromyographic behaviour of the human first dorsal interosseus muscle. J Physiol 483: 499-509
25. Zijdewind I and Kernell D (1994) Fatigue associated EMG behavior of the first dorsal interosseous and adductor pollicis muscles in different groups of subjects. Muscle Nerve 17: 1044-1054
26. Zijdewind I and Kernell D (1994) Index finger position and force of the human first dorsal interosseus and its ulnar nerve antagonist. J Appl Physiol 77: 987-997
27. Zijdewind C , Bosch W, Goessens L, Kandou TW and Kernell D (1990) Electromyogram and force during stimulated fatigue tests of muscles in dominant and non-dominant hands. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 60: 127-132
Laatst gewijzigd: | 26 juni 2022 14:15 |