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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.A.M. (Corne) Roelen


Do return-to-work trajectories differ by mental disorder diagnosis?: A register study among 37 523 Dutch workers

Gender differences in long term sickness absence

Hand eczema-related presenteeism and sickness absence: A cross-sectional population-based study

Interpersonal Processes in the Duration of Sick Leave of Workers with Chronic Diseases: A Dyadic Analysis

Mentale gezondheid jongvolwassenen

Public health care staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of job demands and work functioning between temporary and permanent staff

The Associations Between Illness Perceptions and Expectations About Return to Work of Workers With Chronic Diseases and Their Significant Others: A Dyadic Analysis

Werkhervatting na THP en TKP: Verbetering samenwerking orthopeed en bedrijfsarts

Work functioning of Dutch workers with a chronic disease in early, mid and late working life: Cross-sectional findings from 38,470 participants in the Lifelines Cohort Study

Functioneren in werk na kanker

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Verzuim door psychische klachten in 2023 hoger dan ooit

Psychisch verzuim hoger dan ooit

Burn-outs blijven toenemen

Ziekteverzuim door psychische klachten in 2023 hoger dan ooit

Zorgwekkend: steeds meer verzuim onder jongere werknemers wegens psychische klachten

Arbo Unie: derde werkenden kan straks uitvallen door stress

Meer verzuim dan ooit door psychische klachten, vooral onder jongere werknemers

Wat is de juiste aanpak voor werknemers met long-covid?

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