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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B.Z. (Behrooz) Alizadeh


Personalised Medicine in Cancer Radiotherapy and Psychosis

Disease course epidemiology,

Genetic Epidemiology,

Methodology, and longitudinal data modeling.


Early economic evaluation of chelation therapy in kidney transplant recipients with high-normal lead

Clustering Schizophrenia Genes by Their Temporal Expression Patterns Aids Functional Interpretation

Correction to: The association between childhood trauma and tobacco smoking in patients with psychosis, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls

Diet and physical activity as risk-reducing factors for hidradenitis suppurativa

Does stigma leave its mark?: The interplay between negative effects of perceived stigma with positive effect of self-esteem on long-term social functioning in schizophrenia

Life-course perspective on the causal mechanism of social functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorder

Lifestyle factors and incident multimorbidity related to chronic disease: a population-based cohort study

Mental health in hidradenitis suppurativa: A complex matter

Moving from supported to independent living: what are the barriers and facilitators for individuals with psychosis?

Publisher Correction: Understanding the genetic complexity of puberty timing across the allele frequency spectrum