dr. B.Z. (Behrooz) Alizadeh

research project in my unit is led by PhDs fellows and Postdocs, and are currently (april 2016) classfied in three methodlogical categories, which cover 5 major human disease domains, with a prticulat attention to Digestive System Diseases, and immune system:
I. Genetic Epideiology:
(i.)Domain of Inflammation: "Genome and Genomics of Inflammatory biomarkers: discovery and clincial relevance."
- Large scale international Meta Genome-wide association studis to identify genetic ariants associated with: (i) C-Reactive Protein, (ii) Interleukin-6, (iii) Tumor Necrosis Factor, and (iv.) Interleukin 10.
- Menedlian Randomization studies to identify the causal rol of inflamamtory biomarkers in complex diseases. Cross Domain corss consortia studies.
- insilico funtional enrichment analysis to understand the underlying mechanism (pathways) involved in metabolism of inflammartory biomarkers.
(ii.) Domain of Digestive System Diseases:
- Transethnic studies to identify genetic factors of complex Disgestive System Diseases, such as IBD, and metabolic liver diseases, and liver fibrosis, and colon cancer.
(iii.) Domain of cognition:
II. Epidemiology:
III. Statistical modelling:
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 08.14 a.m. |