dr. B. (Bettina) van Hoven

A few interesting projects and public dissemination activities:
Geographies of Diversity and Inclusion ( in the Urban Context)
This project addresses how social and physical features of urban spaces lead to experiences of in- and exclusion for marginalized groups, and how this affects the everyday lives of such groups. A key aim is to work with these marginalized groups on a dissemination strategy. The project originated already in research preceding 2015 but this year is significant as the collaboration with Noorderbrug (now sHeerenloo) and art academy Minerva begun. In these projects, dissemination is achieved through interactive exhibitions based on photography and in the form of a pop up museum. Public dissemination activities include various exhibitions at Academy Minerva and at De Noorderbrug. The project also featured in the local newspapers as well as a Unifocus video report on the University of Groningen website (2016). Highlights were pop up exhibitions at the University College in Rotterdam, the Irish Geographers conference in Maynooth and the Royal Geographical Society in London.
This project is ongoing in the form of various collaborations with sHeerenloo, an organisation that provides housing and care for people with acquired brain injuries. Most prominantly is the development of an app to collect data on the accessibility of public places in the city.
Geographies of ageing and wellbeing
About this research:
This research explores attachments of older people to their neighbourhoods and homes and the strategies employed to retain a sense of mobility and empowerment. Public dissemination activities included workshops, speaking at festivals and symposia, as well as featuring the research in outlets such as 'Sociale Vraagstukken' 'Friesch Dagblad', 'Noorderbeedte' and 'Dagblad van het Noorden'. A highlight of projects within this theme was the exhibition in collaboration with the art academy Minerva at the Noorderlicht Gallery in Groningen titled 'Inzichten uit de Oosterpark' in 2015.
Tidal Cultures
About this research:
This project originated with the research and exchange programme “Between the Tides”. Comparative arts and humanities approaches to living with(in) intertidal landscapes in UK & the Netherlands. Learning from those who live and work with complexity, change and fragility (with Prof. Owain Jones (University of BathSpa). The programme was funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (UK). Public dissemination activities include a project blog 'Tidal Cultures': http://tidalcultures.wordpress.com/. In addition, we held workshop and performances s on various occasions, and an exhibition at the Sense of Place Symposium on Terschelling (as part of Oerol).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 24 november 2022 18:07 |