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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. B.M. (Barbara) Wisse


How innovative is your employee? The role of employee and supervisor dark triad personality traits in supervisor perceptions of employee innovative behavior

Power and interdependence in organizations

When Change Causes Stress: Effects of Self-construal and Change Consequences

Leader Self-Concept and Self-Interested Behavior The Moderating Role of Power

Challenge and threat appraisal of entrepreneurial errors: a latent profile analysis and examination of coping responses

Dark personalities in the workplace

Exploration Career Role Enactment and Employability Evaluations: The Moderating Roles of Leader Opening and Closing Behaviours

Face concerns mediate the relationship between culture and conflict management strategies: A cross-cultural investigation

Financial stress and quit intention: the mediating role of entrepreneurs’ affective commitment

How to neutralize primary psychopathic leaders’ damaging impact: Rules, sanctions, and transparency

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Omtzigts populistische oneliner lost ggz-probleem niet op

How can abuse in the workplace be managed?

Welcome to Hotel California: You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave?

How to spot a narcissist in the workplace

What should you do if you think you’re working with a narcissist?

Could you spot the traits of narcissism? | theHRD

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