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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B.J.M. (Bas) Geboers


Psychometric properties of the Knowledge and Attitudes to Mental Health Scales in a Dutch sample (KAMHS-NL): A comprehensive mental health literacy measure in adolescents

Connecting and engaging our teachers at the UMCG

Health literacy of people living with HIV in a rural area in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study

Low Health Literacy is Associated with the Onset of CKD during the Life Course

Health literacy among older adults is associated with their 10-years' cognitive functioning and decline - the Doetinchem Cohort Study

Moving towards a Comprehensive Approach for Health Literacy Interventions: The Development of a Health Literacy Intervention Model

Teachers as leaders: het ontwikkelen van een cursus onderwijskundig leiderschap voor docenten in het academisch onderwijs

Health Literacy Is Associated With Health Behaviors and Social Factors Among Older Adults: Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study

The association between health literacy and self-management abilities in adults aged 75 and older, and its moderators