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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. B.H. (Dianne) Jansen


Choice of DNA extraction method affects stool microbiome recovery and subsequent phenotypic association analyses

Mucosal host-microbe interactions associate with clinical phenotypes in inflammatory bowel disease

The gut microbiome in end-stage lung disease and lung transplantation

Faecal metabolome and its determinants in inflammatory bowel disease

Health-related quality of life is linked to the gut microbiome in kidney transplant recipients

Health-Related Quality of Life is Linked to the Gut Microbiome in Kidney Transplant Recipients

The gut microbiome across the cardiovascular risk spectrum

Unsuitability of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential Measurement for the Quantification of Fecal Redox Status in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome in a Dutch population

Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with increased mortality after solid organ transplantation

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