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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. B.H. (Dianne) Jansen


Choice of DNA extraction method affects stool microbiome recovery and subsequent phenotypic association analyses

Limited predictive value of the gut microbiome and metabolome for response to biological therapy in inflammatory bowel disease

Mucosal host-microbe interactions associate with clinical phenotypes in inflammatory bowel disease

The gut microbiome across the cardiovascular risk spectrum

The gut microbiome in end-stage lung disease and lung transplantation

Faecal metabolome and its determinants in inflammatory bowel disease

Health-related quality of life is linked to the gut microbiome in kidney transplant recipients

Health-Related Quality of Life is Linked to the Gut Microbiome in Kidney Transplant Recipients

Unsuitability of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential Measurement for the Quantification of Fecal Redox Status in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome in a Dutch population

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