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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B.F. (Bertus) Jeronimus


Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature

Childhood abuse and neglect and adult body attitude

Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics

Conceptual Replication and Extension of Health Behavior Theories’ Predictions in the Context of COVID-19: Evidence Across Countries and Over Time

Disorders of Personality

Emotion and Personality

Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality

Mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

Motives and Personality

Navigating progress: Learnings from positive developments in personality research

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Interdisciplinary Education Week 2024

Selection, evocation, and manipulation: How do they shape our social interactions?

Land zonder lontje

Neurodiversiteit: Iedereen heeft wel iets

Zo gezellig is het nu ook weer niet bij je ouders thuis

Optimisme kun je trainen

Extra- of introvert?


Optimisme kun je trainen: Gelukkig in ellendige tijden

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