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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B.F. (Bertus) Jeronimus


Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics

Conceptual Replication and Extension of Health Behavior Theories’ Predictions in the Context of COVID-19: Evidence Across Countries and Over Time

Disorders of Personality

Emotion and Personality

Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality

Mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

Motives and Personality

Personality expression in body motion dynamics: An enactive, embodied, and complex systems perspective

Personality Psychology: Summary and Future Directions

Sleep, event appraisal, and affect: An ecological momentary assessment study

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Zo gezellig is het nu ook weer niet bij je ouders thuis

Optimisme kun je trainen

Extra- of introvert?


Optimisme kun je trainen: Gelukkig in ellendige tijden

De associatie tussen angst van de eigenaar en de hond

Daylight saving time starts this weekend, and our biological clock doesn’t like that

Zomertijd gaat dit weekend in, en dat vindt onze biologische klok niet fijn

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