B.E. (Bereket) Messele, LLM

b.e.messele rug.nl
B.E. (Bereket) Messele is a PhD student and lecturer in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and International Criminal Law. In August 2022 he completed his master’s in Global Criminal Law at the University of Groningen. Since September 2022 he has been a PhD student at the University of Groningen conducting research on the interpretation and application of the principle of subsidiarity in the field of EU Criminal Law. At the same time, he teaches Criminal Law and International Criminal Law, and coordinates a law and practice course entitled ‘advising on the execution of ECtHR judgments’. His interests lie in the field of EU Criminal Law instruments and wants to study it from different perspectives, namely the founding principles of the Union.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 02 december 2023 21:19 |