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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B.E. (Brenda) Bartelink


Moral Dilemmas in Foster Care Due to Religious Differences Between Birth Parents, Foster Parents, and Foster Children

Negotiating Diversity with Heritage: Making the Case for Artistic Engagement

Weaving webs of well-being: The ethics of navigating religious differences in Christian foster families with foster children of various backgrounds

Gender and International development: Searching for game changers in the midst of polarisation

Gender, religion and harm: Conceptual and methodological reflections

Queens in the Kings Business: African Pentecostal Female Leadership in a European City

Religion and gender-based violence: Global and local responses to harmful practices

Why the Dutch (Think They) Break Taboos: Challenging Contemporary Presentations of the Role of Religious Actors in Narratives of Sexual Liberation

Embodied stories: African-Dutch women narrate (in)visibility and agency in the city of The Hague

Speaking the Body: Examining the Intersections of Sexuality, Secularity and Religion in Dutch Sexuality Education


Interview Dr. Brenda Bartelink nav. 50 jaar Populorum Progressio (deel 5)

Waarom Nederlanders geen taboes op seksualiteit moeten willen doorbreken’

Interview Religie en Ontwikkeling

'We must all be allowed to love each other with honour: spirituality and social transformation'

'The Pretence of Neutrality: Religion and the Implementation of Programmes on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights'