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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B. (Billie) de Haas


Prevalence and factors associated with newborn care practices among caregivers: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A layered vulnerabilities perspective

Older adults' adaptations to life events: a mobility perspective

The role of performativity in informal dementia carers' capability to be mobile

Teachers’ personal experiences of sexual initiation motivating their sexuality education messages in secondary schools in Kampala, Uganda

Teachers' professional identities in the context of school-based sexuality education in Uganda-a qualitative study

Linkages between climate change and sexual and reproductive health & rights: a demographic perspective

School-Based Sexuality Education in Tanzania: A Reflection on the Benefits of a Peer-Led Edutainment Approach

Teachers’ conflicting cultural schemas of teaching comprehensive school-based sexuality education in Kampala, Uganda


Win het kaartspel: Kinderspel – een kind (erbij), ja of nee?

Liekuut | Children or no (more) children? Make sure to discuss it in time

Machtsverhoudingen tussen onderzoeker en deelnemer

Podcast: Help mijn partner wil een kind! Wat nu?!

Podcast: Help mijn partner wil een kind! Wat nu?

Podcast Girugten: Follow your dream

Introductory lecture to Movies that Matter documentary Dilemma of Desire

Research into how couples negotiate their individual desires to have children