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Association of High-Density Lipoprotein Parameters and Risk of Heart Failure: A Multicohort Analysis

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase IIδC-induced chronic heart failure does not depend on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak

Ex Situ Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Loop Analyses for Donor Hearts: Proof of Concept in an Ovine Experimental Model

Fasting Plasma Ketone Bodies Are Associated with NT-proBNP: A Potential Mechanism to Provide Fuel for the Failing Heart

Increased epicardial adipose tissue is associated with left atrial mechanical dysfunction in patients with heart failure with mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction

Ketone Treatment in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Recharging the Heart or Reducing Filling Pressures?

Mitochondrial Function after Normothermic Regional Perfusion or Direct Procurement Followed by Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion in Heart Transplantation after Circulatory Death

Optimal Screening for Predicting and Preventing the Risk of Heart Failure among Adults with Diabetes Without Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: A Pooled Cohort Analysis

A Kinase Interacting Protein 1 (AKIP1) promotes cardiomyocyte elongation and physiological cardiac remodelling

A Kinase Interacting Protein 1 regulates mitochondrial protein levels in energy metabolism and promotes mitochondrial turnover after exercise


Cardiac Metabolic Profiling in the Fed State

Gain-of-function mutation in ubiquitin ligase KLHL24 causes desmin degradation and dilatation in hiPSC-derived engineered heart tissues


Ketone Body Supplementation—A Potential New Approach for Heart Disease

Keto diet, other forms of ketone therapy associated with multiple benefits for CVD patients

Ketones are good for the heart, but Keto isn't

Keto Fuel for the Heart May Drive New CVD Therapies

Ketonenrijk dieet verbetert werking ziek hart

Beurs Hartstichting voor Groninger wetenschapper Daan Westenbrink voor onderzoek naar hart- en vaatziekten