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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B. (Branislava) Curcic-Blake


75 Client Perspective: The Acceptability of Combining Cognitive Remediation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for People with Severe Mental Illness

Content-based clustering of hallucinations across sensory modalities in a large online survey

Hypoactivation of the language network during auditory imagery contributes to hallucinations in Schizophrenia

The acute effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exercise on Cortical Activation in young adults: An fNIRS study

The efficacy of combining cognitive training and noninvasive brain stimulation: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis

75 Client Perspective: The Acceptability of Combining Cognitive Remediation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for People with Severe Mental Illness

Differential Equations

Equation Solving

Hallucinations in Hearing Impairment: How Informed Are Clinicians?



‘Hersenstimulatie: Alles voor de wetenschap'

Meer aan de hand bij ouderen met vergeetachtigheid: mogelijk een voorbode van Alzheimer

Zés kids. En dan dus thuiswerken?

UMCG onderzoekt behandeling voor geheugenachteruitgang ouderen

Zpannend Zernike - Academy Building

OHBM International Outreach (Balkans)

Discussion panel on ICHR “public days”

Met lichte stroompjes geheugen wakker schudden

Discussion panel on ICHR “public days”