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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A. (Arie) Dijkstra


Cat owners’ anthropomorphic perceptions of feline emotions and interpretation of photographs

Communication rules regarding support seeking in patients with a physical illness, according to people with a Surinamese or a Dutch cultural background

Residential Treatment Exclusively for Tobacco Use Disorder: A Narrative Review

The working memory approach of persuasion: Induced eye movements lead to more social media self-control behaviours

Why are Health Persuasive Messages Not Always Effective?

Adherence to Pulmonary Rehabilitation During A 12-Month Period in Dutch and Flemish Patients with Prolonged COPD Treatment; A Prospective Cohort Study

A Taxonomy Of Intervention Techniques As The Common Or Non-Specific Factors In Lifestyle Coaching

Feasibility, effectiveness and safety of self-management in pulmonary rehabilitation: a study protocol using a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation design

Measuring Adherence to Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Prospective Validation Study of the Dutch Version of the Rehabilitation Adherence Measure for Athletic Training (RAdMAT-NL)


Jongvolwassenen weten: onze tijd komt nog wel. ‘Wij weten eigenlijk niet beter’

Holland Casino voegt Deenik en Dijkstra toe aan adviesgroep preventiebeleid

Praat mee: Sneeuw, gladheid... Word jij angstig van code geel?

NU+ 'Telkens weer' code geel: nemen we weerwaarschuwingen dan nog serieus?

Hoogleraar Dijkstra: speellimieten wenselijk, maar gaat ver

Hoe zorg je dat het gezellig blijft aan de kersttafel met familie?

Een zetje in de duurzame richting Hoe de overheid vervuilende keuzes kan ontmoedigen

De Nacht Van - NPO Radio 1