A. (Anupam) Mazumdar, Prof

1997 - 2000: INLAKS Award
1997 - 2000: PhD from Imperial College, London, UK
2000 - 2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
2002 - 2004: CITA National Fellow, McGill University, Canada
2004 - 2007: Assistant Professor of NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 - 2017: Reader, Lancaster University, UK
2008 - 2013: Honorary Associate Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 - 2014: JSPS award
2017 - Associate Professor at Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands
2018 - 2018: JSPS Professorship
2022 - 2023: Insititute for Advanced Study (IAS) Princeton, Scholar
2023 - 2028: MAST-QG funded by the Sloan and the Gordon and Betty Moore foundations, 3.25 Million USD ( Co-I). Partners are from Yale, Northwestern, Warwick, University College, London, and the University of Groningen. The project is funded based on the paper I wrote in 2017 with my collaborators: " spin entanglement witness for quantum gravity", Phys.Rev.Lett. 119 (2017) 24, 240401 .
I have written about 240 scientific papers, including three significant reviews published in Physics Reports (2003, 2011), Annual Reviews (2010), and Reports on Progress in Physics (2019) on topics related to particle physics and cosmology. In addition, I have researched many different areas of theoretical physics, including classical and quantum gravity, quantum information theory, particle physics, and cosmology.
I believe that the most impactful paper of my career is to conceive a protocol to test the quantum nature of gravity in a tabletop experiment despite the weakness of gravity " spin entanglement witness for quantum gravity", Phys.Rev.Lett. 119 (2017) 24, 240401 .
Built upon that, in 2022, I proposed to test the quantum analogue of a light-bending experiment in a quantum optics setup, "Gravitational Optomechanics: Photon-Matter Entanglement via Graviton Exchange" 2209.09273 [gr-qc]. These two experimental protocols will inevitably help us to understand the deeper aspects of spacetime and the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum gravity via quantum information theory.
I have been designing/simulating these experiments, which hopefully can be realised soon to affirm gravity's quantum side. I am building new quantum technologies to create the most massive and the largest spatial quantum superposition in a lab to test the foundations of quantum mechanics and gravity. The import of such an experiment will be no less than detecting gravitational waves or the Higgs Boson in the LHC or the realisation of Bose-Einstein condensation in the lab.
I began my scientific career as a particle cosmologist; my notable scientific works include Assisted Inflation and MSSM inflation. 2005, I speculated a novel method to avoid cosmological singularity with the non-local, infinite derivative theory of gravity (IDG). I have developed this field in the last ten years to grow further. In 2011, I provided gravity's most general quadratic curvature action in four dimensions which is ghost-free, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 031101. An indicator of impact in the field is that in the last ten years, I have been commissioned to write a review article on Cosmic phase transitions: their applications and experimental signatures, Rept. Prog. Phys. 82 (2019) 7, 076901; I have been invited to act as an editor of the Special Issue: New Trends in Theory of Gravity, Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 30, No. 03n04, 1502001 (2015) .
Laatst gewijzigd: | 31 maart 2024 13:47 |