prof. dr. A. (Albert) Boonstra
![Profile picture of prof. dr. A. (Albert) Boonstra](/staff/albert.boonstra/photo.png?unique=1434293042105.jpg)
Professor Albert Boonstra currently (2018-2023) teaches the following courses and modules: Innovation in Healthcare Organizations, Theories and Approaches of Change Management, Research Ethics, Information Systems Management, Managing Technological Change, and Change Management.
In 2007 Albert Boonstra received the first 'lecturer of the Year award' of the Faculty of Economics and Business. In 2009 and 2010, he was nominated for this award.
Albert Boonstra was a supervising professor of the following business consultancy projects:
- International Business Research in 2001 (India), 2011 (Vietnam), and 2022 (Thailand).
- European Study Project 2014. Riga, Latvia.
Teaching Philosophy
I tend to discuss actual content and actual developments in interactive ways in my teaching. I try to stimulate discussions and critical thinking and question ideas and approaches taken for granted. I like to confront students with complex problems that must be defined and analyzed from theoretical and practical perspectives to design effective solutions. When relevant, I also incorporate my research into the course content. I follow these approaches because critical thinking, problem analysis, and solution design skills are essential academic competencies.
Courses taught at
NL: the University of Groningen, Twente School of Management, Business School Netherlands, Open University Netherlands, TIAS Business School (University of Tilburg).
Europe: the University of Glasgow, University of Aarhus, Universidade Catholica Portuguesa, University College Dublin.
World: Griffith University (Brisbane, Australia), University of Western Illinois, Penang (University of Malaysia).
Record of courses taught.
Business & ICT: ICT & Strategy, Information Systems Management, ICT: Human & Organizational issues, eBusiness, Managing Technological Change.
Organization Studies: Decision-Making Processes, Organizational Diagnosis, Corporate Transformation & Change, Strategic Planning, Organization Theory and Design, Research Ethics, Theories and Approaches of Change Management.
Research methods: Academic Skills, Qualitative Research Methods, Research Ethics.
Recent supervision of master theses
Supervisor of 100+ Master Theses in Business Administration
Innovations, curriculum design, and Leadership in teaching
Research Director Innovation and Organization (2021- );
Chair committee online exams, Faculty of Economics and Business (2020);
Vice Dean Faculty of Economics and Business (2015-2018);
Chair University of Groningen Education Strategy Committee;
Project leader innovation of Master Programmes Faculty of Economics and Business (2010);
Member of AACSB accreditation team (2008 - 2012);
Director MSc Business Administration (2007 - 2014);
Director BSc Business Administration (2004 - 2007);
Chairman curriculum audit MSc Human Resource Management (2009);
Member development team of teaching and learning concept (2006, 2010) and effective assessment strategies (2008);
Team member of various completed NVAO accreditations;
Deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Business Studies (1995-2000).
Last modified: | 14 June 2023 12.26 p.m. |