A.V. (Arthemy) Kiselev

Arthemy Kiselev (1978) develops and upgrades algebraic and geometric tools for the mathematical language of fundamental physics.
In 1995 - 2004 Kiselev did his (under)graduate studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (summa cum laude, 2001) and Independent University of Moscow in parallel. Having obtained the PhD degree in mathematical physics in 2004, he held post-doctoral positions in Canada (Montreal and Brock), The Netherlands (NWO VENI post-doc at MI Utrecht in 2008 - 2010), Italy (Lecce), and Turkey (METU Ankara), as well as many times did he visit the IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette, France), MPIM (Bonn, Germany), CRM (Montreal, Canada), and SISSA (Trieste, Italy). Kiselev held assistant, then associate professorship at the chair of Higher Mathematics at ISPU in Ivanovo, Russia (docent since 2009); since January 2011, he has been working at the Chair of Algebra, Department of Mathematics at the Johann Bernoulli Institute (Groningen, The Netherlands).
The research performed by Kiselev and collaborators (e.g., together with PhD- and master students) centres at the interface of (super)geometry and quantisation, with its focus on the (non)commutative geometry of Kontsevich's deformation- and Batalin-Vilkovisky's approaches to the quantisation of gauge field models. By to-day, Kiselev has given 107 talks at mathematics and theoretical physics research seminars internationally; in the course of years, he reported the results at many conferences, colloquia, and workshops.
Selected publications:
[1] Kiselev A. V. (2013) The geometry of variations in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. JPCS 474, Paper 012024, 1-51.
[2] Bouisaghouane A., Buring R., Kiselev A. (2017) The Kontsevich tetrahedral flow revisited. J.Geom.Phys 119, 272-285.
[3] Kiselev A. V. , Krutov A. O. (2014) Non-Abelian Lie algebroids over jet spaces. JNMP 21(2), 188-213.
[4] Kiselev A. V., van de Leur J. W. (2011) Variational Lie algebroids and homological evolutionary vector fields. TMPh 167(3), 772-784.
Work in progress:
[5] Kiselev A. V. (2017) The deformation quantization mapping of Poisson- to associative structures in field theory. arXiv:1705.01777, 24 pages.
[6] Kiselev A. V. (2017) The calculus of multivectors on noncommutative jet spaces. arXiv:1210.0726, 54 pages.
[7] Buring R., Kiselev A. V. (2017) Software modules and computer-assisted proof schemes in the Kontsevich deformation quantization. Preprint IHES/M/17/05, 50+xvi pages.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 14:30 |