dr. A. (Adriana) Tami

a.tami umcg.nl
"Public health impact of chronic chikungunya illness and performance/utilisation of the health care system in the face of arboviral (dengue, chikungunya, Zika) epidemics in Curac;ao Acronym: ARBOCARIB (NWO grant ALWCA.2016.021)
A Global Alliance for Zika Virus Control and Prevention (ZIKAlliance, Horizon 2020);
Clinical evaluation of dengue and identification of risk factors for severe disease: a multicentre study in 7 countries (IDAMS, EU grant HEALTH-F3-2011-281803);
Spatial dynamics, epidemiology and molecular epidemiology of dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses in Venezuela;
Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Dutch and German hospitals;
Sexual attitudes and Human Papillomavirus vaccination in the Netherlands.
- Vincenti-González MF, Grillet ME, Velasco-Salas ZI, Erley F Lizarazo1, Amarista MA, Sierra GM, Comach G, Tami A. (2017). Spatial Analysis of Dengue Seroprevalence and Modeling of Transmission Risk Factors in a Dengue Hyperendemic City of Venezuela. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Jan 23;11(1):e0005317. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005317. [Epub ahead of print].
- Van Kerkhove MD1, Reveiz L2, Souza JP3, Jaenisch T4, Carson G5, Broutet N3; Working Group on ZIKV (2016). Harmonized Research. Harmonisation of Zika virus research protocols to address key public health concerns. Lancet Glob Health. Dec;4(12):e911-e912. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(16)30255-8. Epub 2016 Nov 1.
- Elsinga J, Lizarazo EF, Vincenti MF, Schmidt M, Arias L, Bailey, Tami A. Accessing Healthcare in Venezuela: a Community based Study on Health Centre Preferences in the Case of Dengue and Fever. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Submitted, under revision.
- Tami A, Grillet ME, Grobusch MP (2016). Applying Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to arboviral disease surveillance and control: a powerful tool. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2016; 14(1):9-10
- Thomas Jaenisch; Dong Thi Hoai Tam; Nguyen Tan Thanh Kieu; Tran Van Ngoc; Nguyen Tran Nam; Nguyen Van Kinh; Sophie Yacoub; Ngoun Chanpheaktra; Varun Kumar; Lucy Chai See Lum; Jameela Sathar; Ernesto Pleites Sandoval; Gabriela Maria Maron Alfaro; Ida Safitri Laksono; Yodi mahendradhata; Malabika Sarker; Firoz Ahmed; Andrea Caprara; Bruno Souza Benevides; Ernesto Marques; Tereza Magalhaes; Patricia Brasil; Marco Netto; Adriana Tami; Sarah E Bethencourt; Maria Guzman; Cameron Paul Simmons; Nguyen Than Ha Quyen; Laura Merson; Nguyen Thi Phuong Dung; Dorothea Beck; Marius Wirths; Marcel Wolbers; Phung Kanh Lam; Kerstin Rosenberger; Bridget Wills (2016). Clinical evaluation of dengue and identification of risk factors for severe disease: protocol for a multicentre study in 8 countries. BMC Infect Dis, 16:120. doi: 10.1186/s12879-016-1440-3.
- Elsinga J, Lizarazo EF, Vincenti MF, Schmidt M, Velasco-Salas ZI, Arias L, Bailey A, Tami A. (2015) Health Seeking Behaviour and Treatment Intentions of Dengue and Fever: A Household Survey of Children and Adults in Venezuela. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 9(12): e0004237. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004237
- Cleton N, Godeke GJ, Reimerink J, Beersma M, van Doorn R, Franco L, Goeijenbier M, Jimenez-Clavero M, Johnson B, Niedrig M, Papa A, Sambri V, Tami A, Velasco-Salas ZI, Koopmans M, Reusken C. (2015) Spot the Difference—Development of a Syndrome Based Protein Microarray for Specific Serological Detection of Multiple Flavivirus Infections in Travelers. PLoS Negl Trop Dis,13:9(3):e0003580. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003580
- Grundmann H, Schouls L, Aanensen D, Pluister G, Tami A, Chlebowicz M, Glasner C, Sabat A, Weist K, Heuer O, Friedrich A; ESCMID Study Group on Molecular Epidemiological Markers and the European Staphylococcal Reference Laboratory Working Group (2014). The dynamic changes of dominant clones of Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in the European region: Results of a second structured survey. Euro Surveill: 19(49). pii: 20987
- Velasco-Salas ZI, Sierra GM, Guzmán DM, Zambrano J, Vivas D, Comach G, Wilschut JC, Tami A (2014). Dengue Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Past and Recent Viral Transmission in Venezuela: A Comprehensive Community-Based Study. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 91(5):1039-48.
- Tami A (2014). Venezuela: violence, human rights, and health-care realities. Lancet, 383(9933):1968-9.
- Hofstede S, Tami A, Liere Gv, Ballén D, Incani RN (2014). Long-term effect of mass chemotherapy on Schistosoma mansoni infection in endemic communities of Venezuela. Acta Tropica, 140C:68-76. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.08.003
- Mollers M, Lubbers K, Spoelstra K, Weijmar-Schultz WCM, Daemen T, Westra TA, van der Sande MAB, Nijman HW, de Melker HE, Tami A (2014). Equity in human papilloma virus vaccination uptake?: Sexual behaviour, knowledge and demographics in a cross-sectional study in (un)vaccinated girls in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, 14:288.
- Farrar JJ, Hien TT, Horstick O, Hung NT, Jaenisch T, Junghanns T, Kroeger A, Laksono IS, Lum L, Martinez E, Simmons CP, Tami A, Tomashek KM, Wills BA (2013). Dogma in Classifying Dengue Disease. Am J Trop Med Hyg., 89:198-201.
- Jaenisch T, IDAMS, Sakuntabhai A, DENFREE, Wilder-Smith A, DengueTools (2013). Dengue research funded by the European Commission-scientific strategies of three European dengue research consortia. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 17:e2320. As part of the IDAMS Consortium.
- Gefenaite G, Smit M, Nijman HW, Tami A, Drijfhout IH, Pascal A, Postma MJ, Wolters BA, van Delden JJ, Wilschut JC, Hak E. (2012). Comparatively low attendance during human Papillomavirus catch-up vaccination program among teenage girls in the Netherlands: insights from a behavioral survey among parents. BMC Public Health, 12:498.
- Huho BJ, Killeen GF, Ferguson HM, Tami A, Lengeler C, Charlwood JD, Kihonda A, Kihonda J, Kachur SP, Smith TA, Abdulla SM. (2012). Artemisinin-based combination therapy does not measurably reduce human infectiousness to vectors in a setting of intense malaria transmission. Malaria Journal, 11:118
- Grundmann H, Aanensen DM, van den Wijngaard CC, Spratt BG, Harmsen D, Sabat AJ, Muilwijk J, Monen J, Tami A, Donker T, Mittermayer H, et al. (2010). Geographic Distribution of Staphylococcus aureus Causing Invasive Infections in Europe: A Molecular-Epidemiological Analysis. PLoS Med 7(1): e1000215. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000215
- da Silva-Voorham JM, Tami A, Juliana AE, Rodenhuis-Zybert IA, Wilschut JC, Smit JM. Dengue: a growing risk to travellers to tropical and sub-tropical regions (2009). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 153:A778. Dutch.
- Gosoniu L, Vounatsou P, Tami A, Nathan R, Grundmann H, Lengeler C (2008). Spatial effects of mosquito bednets on child mortality. BMC Public Health, 8:356.
- Ord RL, Tami A, Sutherland CJ. (2008). ama1 genes of sympatric Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum from Venezuela differ significantly in genetic diversity and recombination frequency. (2008). PLoS One, 3(10):e3366.
- Bonjour M, Montagne M, Zambrano M, Molina G, Lippuner C, Wadskier F, Castrillo M, Incani RN, Tami A (2008). Determinants of late disease-stage presentation at diagnosis of HIV infection in Venezuela: a case-case comparison. AIDS Research and Therapy, 5:6
- Killeen GF, Tami A, Kihonda J, Okumu FO, Kotas ME, Grundmann H, Kasigudi N, Ngonyani H, Mayagaya V, Nathan R, Abdulla S, Charlwood JD, Smith TA, Lengeler C (2007). Cost-sharing strategies combining targeted public subsidies with private-sector delivery achieve high bednet coverage and reduced malaria transmission in Kilombero Valley, southern Tanzania. BMC Infectious Diseases, 7:121.
- Tami A, Mbati J, Nathan R, Mponda H, Lengeler C, Armstrong Schellenberg JRM. (2006). Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania. Health Policy and Planning, 21:1-9. Epub 2005 Nov 21.
- Ord R, Polley S, Tami A, Sutherland CJ (2005). High sequence diversity and evidence of balancing selection in the Pvmsp3a gene of Plasmodium vivax in the Venezuelan Amazon. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, 144: 86-93.
- Grundmann H, Barwolff S, Tami A, Behnke M, Schwab F, Geffers C, Halle E, Gobel UB, Schiller R, Jonas D, Klare I, Weist K, Witte W, Beck-Beilecke K, Schumacher M, Ruden H, Gastmeier P (2005). How many infections are caused by patient-to-patient transmission in intensive care units? Crit Care Med, 33:946-51.
- Barwolff S, Grundmann H, Schwab F, Tami A, Behnke M, Geffers C, Halle E, Gobel U, Schiller R, Jonas D, Klare I, Weist K, Witte W, Dinger E, Beilecke K, Ruden H, Gastmeier P (2005). Incidence of transmission of pathogens in intensive care units Ergebnisse der SIR-3-Studie. Anaesthesist. 54(6):560-6. German
- Tami A, Mubyazi G, Talbert A, Mshinda H, Guillet P, Lengeler C (2004). Evaluation of OlysetTM insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania. Malaria Journal, 3:19
- Erlanger TE, Enayati AA, Hemingway J, Mshinda H, Tami A, Lengeler C (2004). Field issues related to effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 18(2):153-60.
- Tami A, Ord R, Targett GAT, Sutherland CJ. (2003). Immune selection and malaria parasite strain structure: var gene repertoires of sympatric Plasmodium falciparum isolates. Malaria Journal, 2:7.
- Tami A, Grundmann H, Sutherland C, McBride JS, Cavanagh DR, Campos E, Snounou G, Barnabe C, Tibayrenc M, Warhurst DC (2002). Restricted genetic and antigenic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum under mesoendemic transmission in the Venezuelan Amazon. Parasitology, 124:569-81.
- Grundmann H, Tami A, Hori S, Halwani M, Slack R (2002). Nottingham Staphylococcus aureus population study: prevalence of MRSA among elderly people in the community. BMJ, 324:1365-6.
- Grundmann H, Hori S, Winter B, Tami A, Austin DJ (2002). Risk factors for the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an adult intensive care unit: fitting a model to the data. J Infect Dis. 2002; 185:481-8.
- Hori S, Sunley R, Tami A, Grundmann H (2002). The Nottingham Staphylococcus aureus population study: prevalence of MRSA among the elderly in a university hospital. J Hosp Infect, 50:25-9.
- Tami A, Adagu IS, Sojo-Milano MV, Webber R, Warhurst DC (1999). High prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum drug-resistant strains in the Venezuelan Amazon: implications for malaria control. Clinical Microbiology and Infection; 5:59.
- Tami-Hirsch, M.V. Sojo-Milano, I.S. Adagu, G. Snounou, M.T. Duraisingh, and D.C. Warhurst (1997). Homogenous Pfmdr1 genotype and restricted falciparum diversity in relation to chloroquine resistance in the Yanomami and Yekwana communities of the Venezuelan Amazon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 91: 504.
- Tami A, Martinez UN, Vegas R, Vivas MS, Perret-G M, Gelrud A, Marina A, Botto AC (1992). Ascariasis and trichuriasis in Yanomami communities from the Upper Orinoco river. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 43:200.
- Vivas L, Tami A, Martinez N, Magris M, Botto C (1992). Prevalence of splenomegaly in two Yanomami communities from Upper Orinoco river. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 43:201.
- Magris M, Planchart S, Quiroz I, Guevara Z, Marina A, Garcia R, Vega R, Tami A, Botto C (1991) Intestinal parasites in two communities from Upper Orinoco river. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 42:206.
- Incani RN, Balzan C, Castro L, Garcia JA, Garcia ME, Riera AR, Tami A, Vegas RA, Yscadar PM (1990). Urban Schistosomiasis Mansoni. I-Epidemiology. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 41:278.
- Incani RN, Balzan C, Castro L, Garcia JA, Garcia ME, Riera AR, Tami A, Vegas RA, Yscadar PM (1990). Urban Schistosomiasis Mansoni. II-Clinical characteristics and effect of mass chemotherapy as a control measure. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 41:278.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 10 december 2024 19:38 |