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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.R. (Alan) Muller


An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior

CEO International Experience in Advanced Market Economies and Firm Investment Horizon in a Transitioning Economy

Correction to: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior (Journal of Business Ethics, (2023), 10.1007/s10551-023-05513-x)

The joint effects of institutional logic multiplicity and distance on within-MNE CSR performance differences

Corporate Philanthropy and CEO Outside Directorships Under Authoritarian Capitalism

An attention-based view of short-termism: The effects of organizational structure

To minimize or mobilize? The trade-offs associated with the crisis communication process

When Does Corporate Social Performance Pay for International Firms?

Corporate philanthropy

Unpacking the relationship between high-performance work systems and innovation performance in SMEs


IJsmaker Ben & Jerry’s klaagt Unilever aan om Palestina-onenigheid

Kunnen bedrijven van de pro-Palestijnse boycots af komen?