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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.R. (Arno) Bourgonje


Clinical and Biochemical Factors Associated with Infliximab Pharmacokinetics in Paediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Model-informed precision dosing in inflammatory bowel diseases

Prior Anti-TNF Exposure Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Short- and Long-Term Colectomy in Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Targeting the Interleukin 23 Pathway in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

An atlas of the shared genetic architecture between atopic and gastrointestinal diseases

An exploratory study on the association between blood-based biomarkers and subacute neurometabolic changes following mild traumatic brain injury

Antibody signatures against viruses and microbiome reflect past and chronic exposures and associate with aging and inflammation

Anti-integrin αvβ6 Autoantibodies are Increased in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Patients With Concomitant Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Correlate With Liver Disease Severity

A prospective study of the association between plasma calprotectin levels and new-onset chronic kidney disease in the general population

Circulating Citrate Is Reversibly Elevated in Patients with End-Stage Liver Disease: Association with All-Cause Mortality


Met een ‘lab-on-a-chip’ kun je met een vingerprikje bloed een darmziekte meten

With a ‘lab-on-a-chip’ you can measure intestinal disease with a finger prick of blood

University of Groningen’s dissertation presents predictors of inflammatory bowel disease

PhD investigate presents predictive price of biomarkers for inflammatory bowel disease

Présentation complète de la thèse de doctorat en médecine

Tesis de doctorado en medicina integral presente

Comprehensive medical PhD dissertation presents predictors of inflammatory bowel disease

Omvangrijk medisch proefschrift presenteert voorspellers voor chronische darmziekten

Hoopgevende ontdekkingen voor patiënten met chronische darmziekten