prof. dr. A.P. (André) Wolff

Prof. Dr. André P. Wolff, MD,PhD
Date of birth: 2-12-1959, Eindhoven
Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine In 2015 Wolff started as Head of the Pain Centre at the department of Anaesthesiology in the University Medical Centre Groningen In February 2016, Wolff was appointed professor in Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Groningen and the University Medical Centre Groningen. Wolff joined the UMCG Palliative Team, the UMCG Spine Centre and the UMCG Pelvic Pain Centre. In 2019 Wolff became the medical head of the UMCG Pain Centre. After graduation in medicine at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (Radboud UMC) André Wolff finished his specialization in anaesthesiology also at the RadboudUMC in 1987. He started working in the field of anaesthesiology, pain- and palliative care in the St Anna Hospital (Oss), Later called Bernhoven hospital (now in Uden) in 2000 after fusion with the St Joseph Hospital in Veghel. He experienced in pain management and all (invasive) pain treatment techniques; the complex ones included, such as neuromodulation and epiduroscopy. Wolff became chairman of the multidisciplinary Regional Pain Centre North East Brabant, organized the pain treatment activities into a professional organisation and started patient care quality projects such as “the Out Patient Clinic Carrousel” in order to prevent the chronification of pain syndromes in a multidisciplinary way. This project was financially supported by the Dutch Order of Medical Specialists. In 2002 and 2003 he also worked at the Pain Treatment Centre in the University Medical Centre Utrecht for one day a week. In 2003 he changed position to the dept. of Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine (APPM) at the RadboudUMC. He continued his activities in anaesthesiology, pain treatment and palliative care and introduced Epidurosopy again for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes as quality project, but now in Nijmegen. From 2006-2012 Wolff was clinical director of the RadboudUMC department of Anaesthesiology and in 2007 he also became clinical director in the department of Operating Theatres. |
1987 Graduation Medicine at the Radboud University Nijmegen
1987 - 1992 Specialization in Anaesthesiology at the RadboudUMC Nijmegen, Chairman Prof. dr L.H.D.J. Booij
1992 - 2000 St Anna Hospital in Oss, dept. of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine
2000 - 2003 Bernhoven Hospital Oss and Veghel, dept. of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine
1996-2003 Chairman and co-ordinator of the multidisciplinary Regional Pain Centre in North East Brabant in Oss; Initiator and responsible for development of this Pain Centre into a professional organization
1997 - 2007 Part time working for Pain Knowledge Centre, RadboudUMC
2002 - 2003 Part time for Pain Treatment Centre University Medical Centre Utrecht
2003 - 2015 Staff member RadboudUMC dept. of Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine (APPM), Chairman Prof. dr G.J. Scheffer
2003 - 2008 Staff member Pain Treatment Centre RadboudUMC
2006 - 2008 Head Pain Knowledge Centre RadboudUMC
2006 - 2015 Clinical Director dept of Operating Theatres RadboudUMC
2006 - 2012 Clinical Director dept of Anaesthesiology, Pain- and Palliative Medicine, RadboudUMC
2015 - Head Anaesthesiology Pain Centre University Medical Centre Groningen (UMC Groningen)
2016 - Professor in Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine at University of Groningen and University Medical Centre Groningen
2017 - Head UMCG Pelvic Pain Centre
2018 - 2019 Interim Head UMCG Spine Centre
2019 - Head UMCG Pain Centre (Collaboration Anaesthesiology Pain, Pelvic Pain, Spinal Pain, Pain Rehabilitation centres)
Relevant professional activities
1992 Radiology hygiene 4A course, Cohen institute Leiden
1994 Implementation of neuromodulation techniques for chronic pain patients in Bernhoven Hospital Oss/Veghel
1995 - 1996 National Working Group for guideline development invasive pain treatment for low back pain with and without radiation, CBO, Dutch Quality Centre
1997 - 2003 Organizer annual symposium for anaesthesiologist-pain physicians, RadboudUMC
1999 - 2003 Project leader development out clinic patient program on the prevention of chronic pain in multidisciplinary pain centre North-east Brabant, funded by the “Dutch Order of Medical Specialists”
2002 Introduction of Spinal Endoscopic Techniques for chronic failed back surgery patients in Bernhoven Hospital Oss/Veghel
2000 - 2002 National Working Group for guideline development on chronic non-specific low back pain, CBO, Dutch Quality Centre
2003 - 2007 Board member Section Pain of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiologists (NVA)
2004 Introduction of Spinal Endoscopic Techniques for chronic pain patients with failed back surgery as a top-clinical activity in RadboudUMC
2004 - 2007 Representative of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiologists in the National Platform for Pain and Pain Medicine
2004 - 2006 Board member in Co-operation Platform of Pain Disciplines (SWVP)
2004 Co-founder and board member (secretary) of the Dutch Working Group Spinal Endoscopic Technics (LANSET)
2006 - 2008 Head Pain Knowledge Centre RadboudUMC Nijmegen
2006 - 2008 Board member of the Scientific Advisory Council National Pain Fund
2005 - 2007 Board member of the Dutch Society for the Study of Pain (NVBP)
2007 Chairman and organization symposium on Pain Data Registration and Documentation, Dutch Pain Knowledge Centres
2007 - 2008 Chairman organizing committee 10th Dutch-Belgium Pain Congress
2007 – 2015 Chairman Committee Quality Policy of the Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology
2009 - 2015 RadboudUMC Working group Acute Hipfractures
2013 - Editorial Board of World Journal of Anaesthesiology
2015 - Steering Committee Implementation of Chronic Pain Standard in the Northern part of the Netherlands
2016 - Scientific Advisory Counsil National Health Deal Chronic Pain
2016 29th of November: Oration for professorship Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine University of Groningen: “Other light on chronic pain: no symptom but disease!”
2016 - National steering group National Health Deal Chronic Pain
2017 - 2018 Working committee development Network indicator Standard of Care Chronic Pain
2018 - Working committee development implementation plan Standard of Care Chronic Pain
2019 - Chairman Health Deal Chronic Pain national steering group
2020 - Chairman Scientific Committee Anaesthesiology UMCG
2020 - Chairman development Dutch Guideline Organisation of Chronic Pain Care (Leidraad )
2020 - Member Dutch Guideline development Pain rehabilitation
2020 - Topic Editor Journal of Clinical Medicine
2021 - Member Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology (NVA) Working group Knowledge Agenda
Patient safety and Quality of care From 2007 until 2012 Wolff was chairman of the national multidisciplinary working groups for guideline development to improve safety and efficacy of the perioperatieve process in the Dutch hospitals. He also became the chairman committee Quality of the Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology (NVA). In 2010 he started a cooperation with IQHealthcare, specialized in Implementation science, to study the effects on adherence and patient outcomes of tailored implementation strategies of these Dutch guidelines. This was the basis for a research group that started at that time: Evidence Based Perioperative Patient Safety. Varoius PhD students elaborated under his supervision research on implementation activities and instruments to identify and improve perioperatieve safety. Wolff got active in various organizations and hospital committees that are involved in patient safety and quality of care. As a patient safety officer for the RadboudUMC he developed and lead a program to improve patient safety and professional safety culture in the RadboudUMC (STAP: Standaardisatie-Teamwork-Aanspreken-Patient gerichtheid). Wolff co-founded and became board member of the Dutch Society for Safe Curative Care (VVCZ). This society counts actually more than 16 Dutch hospitals as members that are helped to improve patient safety. Wolff also lead a patient safety education program in the RadboudUMC. As one of the activities he was involved in the introduction of Crew Resource Management for all professionals of the clinical high risk departments. He also started workshops to introduce Reflection for professionals involved in patient care to improve engagement, safety and quality of care. He was active in perioperative safety audits and was consulted by various hospitals. From 2016 to 2020 Wolff is involved in the Dutch Health Deal Chronic Pain (HDCP), a national initiative started to improve chronic pain patient care, to make it Sensible, Economical and Excellent (Zinnig, Zuinig & Excellent), according to the stepped care model of the Standard Chronic Pain. His attention is focused on improving patient care pathways. Wolff was member of the HDCP Scientific Advisory Counsil and he participated in the steering group to elaborate HDCP, also for the Northern part of the Netherlands and participates in various working groups such as implementation of the Standard of Care Chronic and structure indicator Standard of Care Chronic Pain. Wolff also chairs the Dutch Guideline Organisation of Chronic Pain Care (2020-2022). |
2006-2009 Chairman Central Working Places Assembly, dept. of APPM and Operating Centre RadboudUMC
2006-2009 Research committee dept of APPM RadboudUMC
2007-2009 Task force anaesthesia nurses, Operating Centre
2007 Working group development activities for Physician Assistants, dept of APPM RadboudUMC
2007 - 2009 Chairman multidisciplinary working group for the development of the Dutch Guideline on Preoperative patient care (TOP 1)
2008 - 2015 Chairman policy committee Perioperative Quality & Safety, dept. of APPM RadboudUMC
2008 - 2010 Chairman multidisciplinary working group for the development of the Dutch Guideline on Peroperative patient care (TOP 2)
2009 - 2015 Project leader/Safety Officer RadboudUMC Perioperative Quality & Safety (such as implementation of Dutch guidelines pre-, per- and postoperative patient care and various VMS topics, Veiligheid Management Systeem)
2009 Chairman Committee Education & Research, dept. of Operating Theatres
2010 Committee Quality, Dutch Society for Anaesthesiologists
2010 - 2012 Chairman multidisciplinary working group for the development of the Dutch Guideline on Postoperative patient care (TOP 3)
2010 RadboudUMC Advisory board Electronic Patient File System
2011- 2015 Clinical Director dept. of Operating Centre, RadboudUMC, with special attention for patient safety
2012 Organization and chairman 16th congress of the Dutch Society for Day Surgery and Short Stay
2012 - 2014 Medical Advisor EPIC
Quality and Safety Officer, dept APPM, RadboudUMC
2011 - 2016 Chairman committee Quality, Dutch Society for Anaesthesiologists
2011 - 2015 Chairman of Dutch Federation of University Hospitals consortium on best practice Perioperative Patient Safety
2011 Co-founder Dutch Society for Safe Curative Care (VVCZ)
2011- 2016 Secretary at the Board of the Dutch Society for Safe Curative Care (VVZC)
2011 - 2014 Chairman of the Dutch Society of Day Surgery and Short Stay
2012 Organization symposium on patient safety and unsafety in the operative patient path
2012 Organization and chairman 2nd symposium of the Dutch Society of Safe Curative Care
2010 Certificate Good Clinical Practice, RadboudUMC
2012 - 2015 Chairman committee Incident Reporting Operating Centre RadboudUMC
2012 - 2015 RadboudUMC officer patient safety education
2012 - 2014 Chairman working group development and implementation of Crew Resource Management in RadboudUMC
2012 - 2013 RadboudUMC Working Group Perioperative Efficiency
2012 Critical IWKV (Instituut voor Waarborging Kwaliteit en Veiligheid) Audit dept of Surgery Pantein Hospital Boxmeer
2012 - 2015 Central NFU committee Master Quality and Safety in Patient Health Care
2013 - 2015 RadboudUMC Officer Patient Safety Education
2013 Organization and chairman 18th congress of the Dutch Society for Day Surgery and Short Stay
2014 Organization and chairman 19th congress of the Dutch Society for Day Surgery and Short Stay
2016 - Steering committee Health Deal Chronic Pain
2017 - 2018 Working group netwerk indicator Zorgstandaard Chronische Pijn
2018 - 2019 Working group implementation Zorgstandaard Chronische Pijn
2018 - 2019 Steering committee National Health Deal Chronic Pain
2020 Chairman steering committee National Health Deal Chronic Pain
2019 - Chairman Dutch Counsel Professors in Anaesthesiology Pain Medicine
2020 - Chairman Scientific Committee Anaesthesiology UMCG
Audit and consultancy activities
2011 Audit Schepener Hospital Emmen, perioperatieve care
2012 Audit Ziekenhuis Pantein Boxmeer, surgical Care
2012 Chairman audit Instituut voor Waarborging Kwaliteit en Veiligheid (IWKV) at dept of Lung Diseases in RadboudUMC
2013 Audit Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein, perioperative care
2014 Audit Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, perioperative care
2014 External Consultant/Critical Audit Perioperative Patient Safety in Atrium Medical Centre Heerlen
2014 - 2015 External Consultant/Critical Audit Diakonessenhuis Utrecht
2015 - Various reviews for ZONMW
2017 - Consultancy medical lawsuits
2018 Chairman audit NFU Master Quality and Safety in Patient Care. RadboudUMC Nijmegen
2018-2020 Mentor in NFU master course Quality & Safety in Patient care
2021-2023 Mentor in NFU master course Quality & Safety in Patient care
Science In his resident time Wolff participated in research addressing the effect of epidural local anaesthetic agents, including Ropivacaine, a new drug at that time. From 1992-1997 Wolff participated in the anaesthesiology animal laboratory to elaborate the effect of short acting local anaesthestic agents in the white Wistar rat. Subsquently he started working for the Pain Acknowledge Centre Nijmegen where he was involved in various research and quality projects such as the development of the Dutch Pain Classification, the development of Epiduroscopy and in organizing scientific symposia and congresses. He performed and published various studies on “Segmental Nerve Root Blocks in Patients with Chronic Radiating Low Back Pain: Bringing Light to the Darkness?” and finished his PhD thesis on this subject in 2006. The Dutch Society of Anaesthesiologists awarded this thesis as the best one for 2006-2007. Thereafter, from 2006 to 2008, he followed prof. dr Ben Crul as Head of the Pain Acknowledge Centre Nijmegen, supervising scientific and educational projects. In 2008 he became leader of a validation project for clinical hands on instruments developed to detect neuropathy. This project resulted in publications based on multi centre studies with respect to neuropathy identification tools. Because of his activities in the field of patient safety and quality of care, Wolff also became the leader of a research group studying themes related to “Evidence Based Perioperative Patient Safety”. Main topics are the implementation effects of the national guidelines concerning the Pre-, Per- and Postoperative trajectory and implementation strategies. Various PhD students are active in this research area. Another main topic is studying instruments to identify unsafety in the perioperative patient care. In Groningen main research. In February of 2016 Wolff started as professor in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University and UMC Groningen. He initiated research on the understanding, prevention and treatment of sensitization and somatosensory nervous system conduction patterns of chronic pain, with specific attention for precision diagnosis via the nervous system and central sensitization. Main research populations are patients with spinal pain, visceral related pain and oncology related pain. Innovation and quality of chronic pain related patient care paths is another topic of interest. Wolff collaborates for research within the UMCG with various departments and externally in national and international networks on chronic pain and pain in oncologic patients. See publication list for further information |
1986 -1987 North-Sulawesi, Indonesia: research program on the regional epidemiology of Hepatitis-B
1992 -1995 Animal laboratory, Dept of APPM, RadboudUMC: dose effect-relationship studies of short acting local anaesthetic agents (Wistar rats)
1995 - 2006 Pain Knowledge Centre RadboudUMC. Chairman Prof. dr B.J.P. Crul. Participation in various projects, amongst others pain classification, prevention of chronic pain and epiduroscopy
2006 PhD Thesis RadboudUMC: “Segmental Nerve Root Blocks in Patients with Chronic Radiating Low Back Pain: Bringing Light to the Darkness?” Promoter: Prof. dr B.J.P. Crul, co-promoters: dr G.J. Groen and dr O. Wilder-Smith
2007 Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology (NVA) - Abbot Award for the best PhD Thesis in 2006-2007
2008 Project leader Validation study of DN4 and PainDetect questionnaires for neuropathic pain patients in the Netherlands (Funded by Dali) RadboudUMC
2010 Certificate Qualification guiding research internships
2010 - 2015 Research group leader Evidence Based Perioperative Patient Safety RadboudUMC:
2014 BROK certificate: re-registration clinical research NFU/RadboudUMC
2016 - Research leader on the understanding, prevention and treatment of sensitization and somatosensory nervous system conduction patterns of chronic pain. Patients with spinal pain, visceral pain and oncology related pain are main populations of interest. A research group is being formed with anaesthesiology staff members, residents and (PhD) students in cooperation with other UMCG departments and (inter)national networks
2019 BROK certificate: new registration clinical research
2020 Chairman Scientific Committee Anaesthesiology UMCG
2021 Topic Editor, Journal of Clinical Medicine
Teaching & education In 1992 in Oss, Wolff started to organize periodic meetings to educate primary health care physicians in diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain syndromes. From 1997, the moment at which he started to work also for the Pain Knowledge Centre Nijmegen, he started to organize educational meetings and symposia and gave lectures to various kinds of health care professionals to improve their knowledge in chronic and oncologic pain medicine. From 2004-2008 he was a teacher in the PKO-curriculum in pain medicine for medicine students. For some years he also gave resuscitation lessons for dentistry students. Since he was active in the field of patient safety and quality of care, he also gave lectures to residents, medical specialists and nurses of all specialties in the RadboudUMC. Wolff started lectures for 3rd year level medicine students in the context of Medical Professional Development (MPV-4). In 2010 as organizer and teacher he was involved in a serial of post-academic courses at the Academy of the Dutch Order of Medical Specialists. This was developed for medical specialists, hospital board members and managers to facilitate the implementation of the national guideline Preoperative patient care. In 2010 he also started as a teacher for BioMedical Science students (MBO-2, topic patient safety). In that year he also was involved in a post-academic course on the National Guideline on Responsibilities in Patient Care (Medisch Contact television). From 2009-2014 Wolff teached 5th year residents Anaesthesiology in Patient Safety and Quality of Patient Care (E-course of the National Curriculum Anaesthesiology). In 2012 Wolff became program leader for Patient Safety Education in the RadboudUMC for all professionals involved in patient care. These Master classes including master classes adressing the Patient Safety Management System themes. In that year he also got engaged as faculty member for the NFU Master Quality and Safety in Patient Care and became responsible for the development of and was teacher in Module 1. In 2013 Wolff started teaching patient safety in the Radboudumc introduction course for physicians, residents, medical specialists and nurses who started newly in the Radboudumc. Wolff also supervised internship projects for end level students studying at the faculties Social Science, Radboud University Nijmegen and Business science, RadboudUMC and Catholic University of Brabant, Tilburg on topics concerning Organization and logistics. At the University of Groningen Wolff participates in the Bachelor Medicine Curriculum and teaches Pain Medicine to bachelor students (Bachelor thesis, Personal Profiling and Oncologic Pain, Pain Week, Healthy Ageing, Learning Community Molecular Medicine), Master students Medicine, Movement Sciences, Summer School students and Anaesthesiology residents. |
1992 - 1995 Teacher Lung physiology at School for Intensive Care Nurses, Ede
1995 - (Invited) speaker at various national and international congresses: topics related to invasive pain treatment, the chronic pain syndrome and cancer pain, perioperative quality and safety
1994 - 2006 Teacher in education for primary care physicians, medical specialists, paramedics and students on acute, chronic and cancer pain treatment
2004 - 2008 Teacher Resuscitation training for students Dentistry
2004 - 2006 Teacher PKO-curriculum on pain medicine, faculty of Medicine, RadboudUMC
2008 Supervisor internships for end level students at faculties Social Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen and Business sciences, RadboudUMC and Catholic University of Brabant, Tilburg
2009 Teacher Patient Safety Education for residents and medical specialists of all medical specialties at RadboudUMC
2009 Teacher in curriculum on Medical Professional Development (MPV-4), medicine students 3e level
2009 - 2014 Teacher national curriculum for residents anaesthesiology: perioperative safety and quality of care
2010 Teacher serial of post-academic courses for medical specialists, hospital board members and managers on the implementation of the national guideline preoperative patient care; organized by the Academy of the Dutch Order of Medical Specialists
2010 Post-academic course Medisch Contact television addressing the National Guideline on Responsibilities in Patient Care. J Legemaate, A. Wolff, B. Crul
2010 Teacher MBO-2 students biomedical sciences
2010 Teacher introduction course Patient Safety for new residents
2010 Certificate Qualification Practical Clinical Education RadboudUMC
2010 Certificate Qualification Theoretical Education RadboudUMC
2010 Certificate Qualification to supervising resident internships RadboudUMC
2012 - 2015 Teacher patient safety for residents Anaesthesiology
2012 - 2015 Program leader and teacher Patient Safety Master classes RadboudUMC
2012 - 2015 Program leader Patient Safety Education RadboudUMC
2012 - Faculty NFU Master Quality and Safety in Patient Care; responsible for development of Module 1
2013 - 2015 Teacher introduction course Patient Safety for nurses
2014 - Teacher and coordinator Module 1 Master Quality and Safety in Patient Care
2015 Certificate Qualification Theoretical Education RadboudUMC
2015 - Teacher Personal Profiling 2.1 Curriculum Medicine UMCG
2015 - Teacher Pain Management in Oncologic Pain, Curriculum Medicine UMCG
2016 - Teacher Summer School Oncology and Pain Medicine RUG
2016 - Supervisor Bachelor thesis students RUG
2016 - Teacher Pain Medicine Anaesthesiology Residents UMCG
2016 Teacher Pain Medicine National Curriculum Anaesthesiology Residents
2016 - Teacher and supervisor Bachelor thesis Medicine students University of Groningen
2017 - Supervisor Master thesis Medicine students University of Groningen
2018 - Supervisor scientific internships RUG Bachelor and Master students Medicine
2018 - Teacher Bachelor students Medicine and Movement Sciences
2019 Course Supervising PhD Students
2019 - Training assessment residents in new curriculum Anaesthesiology
2019 - Training assessment EPA residents in new curriculum Anaesthesiology
Management, governance experience & leadership In the Anna Hospital in Oss Wolff followed a communication course How to treat patients in a friendly way and a later he followed a management training for medical specialists, in the Bernhoven Hospital Oss and Veghel. After 2000 he followed curriculum part 1 and 2 of the Personal Development and Leadership at the Catan School of Excellence. In 2006 Wolff experienced the Radboud Curriculum Integral Management for leaders, and in 2011 he followed the Curriculum Soul, Professionalism and Leadership, specifically organized for the management team of the department of Anaesthesiology in the Radboudumc that he was part of. In 1996 Wolff became the chairman of the Regional Multidisciplinary Pain Centre North East Brabant until 2003. In 2006, after he had moved to the RadboudUMC, he became clinical director of the department of Anaesthesiology, Pain- and Palliative Medicine, which he ended in 2012. From 2006 to 2008 he was Head of the Pain Knowledge Centre and in 2007 Wolff became clinical director of the Operating Centre, which was later transformed in an academic department. When prof dr Hein Gooszen became chairman, Wolff’s function became more focused on safety. In 2009 he became the leader of a multi-year integral perioperative implementation program (STAP: Standardization, Team work, Addressing each other and Patient centredness) to enhance patient safety and culture in the Radboudumc. Between 1996 and 2008 Wolff was board member in various professional organizations in the area of pain medicine such as the Section Pain of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiologists (NVA) and the Dutch Society for the Study of Pain (NVBP). He was representative of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiologists in the National Platform for Pain and Pain Medicine (SWVP). In 2004 he was co-founder and became secretary in the board of the Dutch Working Group Spinal Endoscopic Technics (LANSET). He also was board member of the Dutch Epiduroscopy foundation from 2006 – 2008. Wolff was board member of the Scientific Advisory Council National Pain Fund. In 2011 Wolff co-founded and became board member of the Dutch Society for Safe Curative Care (VVZC) in which more than 16 Dutch Hospitals participate at this moment. Finally Wolff was chairman of the Dutch Society of Day Surgery and Short Stay from 2011 – 2014 and is board member of the Help Elandsdoorn foundation to support minor local health care projects in Elandsdoorn, S-Africa. In 2015 Wolff became the Head of the Pain Centre at the department of the Anaesthesiology in the UMC Groningen. He supervised the movement of the Pain Centre from location Groningen to Haren (Beatrixoord) and started its translation into a new organization. Wolff also started participating in the management team of the UMCG Spine Center and Pelvic Pain Centre and joined the UMCG advisory counsil for the Comprehensive Centre for Cancer. Since 2017 Wolff became Medical Head of the Pelvic Center and in 2018 also of the Spine centre. After integration of the Anaesthesiology Pain Centre, Spine Centre, Pelvic Pain Centre and Pain Rehabilitation, Wolff became Head of the UMCG Pain Centre in 2019. |
Management & Leadership Education:
1999 How to treat your client kindly? St Anna Hospital Oss
2001 Management training for medical specialists, Bernhoven Hospital Oss and Veghel
2005 Training: Personal development and leadership, Catan School of Excellence, part 1
2006 Training: Personal development and leadership, Catan School of Excellence, part 2
2006 - 2007 Radboud Curriculum Integral Management, training for leaders, RadboudUMC
2010 - 2011 Curriculum Soul, Professionalism and Leadership, dept. of APPM (management team), RadboudUMC
2015 Course Mindful Leadership for medical professionals, RadboudUMC
2019 Course, Non-violent Communication, Wenckebach Institute Groningen
2021 Course, Listening Empathically, Savory Language
2021 Follow up course Non-violent Communication, Savory Language
1987 – 1992 Supervising physician National Pilgrimages to Lourdes, nonpaid
2005 - Board member of the Elandsdoorn foundation (S-Africa) nonpaid
2021 - Member VOLT; member working group Healthcare, nonpaid
Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology (NVA)
Pain Section of Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
Dutch Chapter of IASP (NVBP)
The Dutch Pain Society
American Society for Regional Anaesthesia (ASRA)
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
European Society of Anaesthesiologists (ESA)
European Society for Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA)
Dutch Order of Medical specialists (OMS)
Royal Dutch Society of Medicine (KNMG)
International Society for Quality in Healthcare (IsQua)
ASA Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Federation Medical Specialists (FMS)
Dutch Society for Day Surgery and Short Stay (NVDK)
Society for Safe Curative Care (VVCZ)
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
IASP Special Interest Group Pelvic Pain (IASP-SPP)
International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS)
Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology (NVA)
European Pain Federatrion (EFIC )
Dutch Society of Anaesthesiology, Pain Section (NVA-SP)
2006 NVA (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Anesthesiologie) - Abbott Award best Thesis in 2006-2007: “Segmental Nerve Root Blocks in Patients with Chronic Radiating Low Back Pain: Bringing Light to the Darkness?”
2011 Order of Medical Specialists (OMS) Safety Award for development and implementation of the National Multidisciplinary Guidelines on the Pre- and Peroperative Trajectory (Chairman)
2012 RadboudUMC Safety Award for development and implementation of the ‘Groene Golf’ in RadboudUMC
2013 Poster Award ‘Non Compliance of Procedures is Most Important Cause of Perioperative Reported Unsafety’. Heideveld A, Calsbeek H, Gooszen H, Wolff A, Damen J. 26 sept 2013 AMC Benchmarkcongres
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 09:06 |