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Innovations in Practice: Brief behavioral parent training for children with impairing ADHD characteristics – a pilot study

Treatments with versus without medication for children with behavioural difficulties in clinical practice: an economic evaluation with observational data

The short- and longer-term effects of brief behavioral parent training versus care as usual in children with behavioral difficulties: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

When mind and measurement diverge; the interplay between subjective cognitive complaints (SCCs), objective cognition, age, and depression in autistic adults

Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Commentary: Why treatment is the best choice for childhood mental disorders – a commentary on Roest et al. (2022)

Review: Which components of behavioral parent and teacher training work for children with ADHD?: a metaregression analysis on child behavioral outcomes

Sustained improvements by behavioural parent training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analytic review of longer-term child and parental outcomes

We need better long-term intervention programs in mental health care for children and young people with chronic vulnerabilities

An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis: Behavioral Treatments for Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Behavioral treatments for ADHD: For which children do they work?

Behavioral treatments for ADHD: For which children do they work?

Database geeft inzicht in effectiviteit gedragstherapie bij ADHD

Database geeft aan welke kinderen met ADHD goed reageren op gedragstherapie

Onderzoek UMCG: "Gedragstherapie helpt bij ADHD"

Database bevat kinderen met adhd die goed reageren op gedragstherapie