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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.O. (Anastasiia) Krushynska

Research interests

The research of Asst. Prof. dr. Anastasiia O. Krushynska exploits:
(1) fundamental relations between materials and their architecture (precisely controlled structure on larger than atomic or molecular scales) and
(2) the development of metamaterials for various applications, including acoustic and elastic wave control, medicine, robotics, and fluid flows.

The main research activities are centered around the design of novel metamaterial configurations preferably with tunable, programmable, or multi-functional properties as well as modeling and testing their mechanical and/or dynamic characteristics in laboratory conditions. Along these lines, the current research is focused on studying polymer metamaterials and exploring how far one can go with manipulating their properties and extending their applications by changing the material architecture.

To implement these research ideas, dr. Krushynska works together with several Ph.D. and M.Sc. students embedded in the Metamechanics group ( This group has a  research lab equipped with setups for manufacturing, mechanical and acoustic testing of polymer (meta)materials. 

Dr. Krushynska has published more than 45 papers in leading international journals, including Advanced Functional Materials, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, New Journals of Physics, Scientific Reports, etc., and has two patents. She received several individual fellowships and Young Researcher’s awards, serves as an associate editor and guest editor in more than sever journals, as a reviewer for more than 60 journals and three international conferences. She is a Committee Member and Remote Evaluator for national and international funding agencies, including European Commission, Dutch Funding Agency, Swiss National Science Foundation, and French National Research Agency.


Emerging topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials: An overview

Dissipative Dynamics of Polymer Phononic Materials

Programmable shape-morphing of rose-shaped mechanical metamaterials

Hybrid machine-learning and finite-element design for flexible metamaterial wings

Arbitrary-curved waveguiding and broadband attenuation in additively manufactured lattice phononic media

Actively tunable sandwich acoustic metamaterials with magnetorheological elastomers

Aperiodic Two-Dimensional Acoustic Black Holes for Broadband Vibration Attenuation in a Strip

Characterizing Dissipative Elastic Metamaterials Produced by Additive Manufacturing

Efficient broadband sound absorption exploiting rainbow labyrinthine metamaterials

Metamaterial-based soft grippers for harvesting fragile crops


Deskundigen waarschuwen voor noise cancelling: 'Brein raakt overgevoelig'