A. (Annamária) Neag, Dr

2020 - 2023 - Digital activism - Children and youth digital civic engagement in a globalised world. Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic.
PI of an international comparative project that aimed to study the civic engagement of children and youth under 18, through the Fridays for Future movement in Czechia and Hungary.
More info here: https://digitalactivism.fsv.cuni.cz/
2017 - 2019 - Media literacy for unaccompanied refugee youth. Bournemouth University, UK.
A Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship that seeked to identify how unaccompanied minor refugees use digital technology and social media through fieldwork in four European countries with the aim of creating media literacy educational materials.
More info here: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/projects/media-literacy-unaccompanied-refugee-youth
2012 - 2017 - Media literacy in the Hungarian education policy arena (1995 - 2012). Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
In my PhD thesis I set out to provide a historical account of the origins of media literacy education in Hungary, the discourses that have shaped educational policy, and the roles of the various actors involved in this process.
More info here: http://phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/949/3/Neag_Annmaria_ten.pdf
Laatst gewijzigd: | 31 juli 2024 13:23 |