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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons drs. A.N. Scholte-Stalenhoef


Response to psychotic experiences: Impact of personality traits on perceived levels of distress

Personality traits in psychotic illness and their clinical correlates: A systematic review

Personality traits and coping strategies in recent-onset psychosis: Associations with symptom severity and psychosocial functioning

Insight, personality, and symptoms among individuals with psychosis: Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships

Een patiënte met onverklaarde neurologische klachten

Personality and coping in first episode psychosis linked to mental health care use

The Psychosis Recent Onset GRoningen Survey (PROGR-S): Defining Dimensions and Improving Outcomes in Early Psychosis

Het syndroom van Capgras: Convergerende modellen

Antipsychotic augmentation strategies to ameliorate negative and cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia; implications for future research

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