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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.M. (Anne Margit) Reitsema


Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics

Conceptual Replication and Extension of Health Behavior Theories’ Predictions in the Context of COVID-19: Evidence Across Countries and Over Time

Emotion dynamics, mental health, and resilience: insights across the lifespan

Age Differences in Hedonic Adaptation to Societal Restrictions? Positive and Negative Affect Trajectories During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 33 Nations

A multi-informant, multi-method study into the mental health and well-being of Dutch children and adolescents: Ieder Kind Is Anders

Distinguishing dimensions of emotion dynamics across 12 emotions in adolescents' daily lives

Identifying important individual- and country-level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis

Pandemic boredom: Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affects risky public health behaviors across 116 countries

The Role of Values in Coping with Health and Economic Threats of COVID-19

Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics

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What COVID has taught us about sharing our emotions, and why now's a good time to share again

How covid gave us all the feels

Two years later, the battle against Covid-19 continues

New study suggests conservatives’ aversion to masks is a uniquely American phenomenon

Children in the Coronavirus Pandemic: How Society Colonizes their Future

Onderzoek RuG: “Ieder kind heeft unieke krachten en kwetsbaarheden”

Groot onderzoek naar geluksgevoel Nederlandse kinderen en jongeren.

Groot onderzoek RUG naar geluksgevoel van kinderen

RUG start onderzoek naar geluksgevoel Nederlandse kinderen en jongeren

RUG start onderzoek naar psychisch welzijn Nederlandse jeugd

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