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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.M. (Anne) Martinez, Dr

A.M. (Anne) Martinez, Dr

Assistant Professor, American Political Theory and Culture (tenured)
Profielfoto van A.M. (Anne) Martinez, Dr


Catholic Borderlands: Mapping Catholicism onto American Empire, 1905-1935

Converting the Civilizing Mission: American Catholics, Mexican Immigrants, and the Taming of the West in the Early Twentieth Century

The Spiritual is Political: The Pilsen Via Crucis as a Path to Resistance

Catholic Monroeism: U.S. Support for the Catholic Church During the Mexican Revolution

Transimperial Hauntings: Catholic Missionaries, Indigenous Souls, and Spanish Spiritual Remains

Convergence between satellite information and farmers’ perception of drought in rangelands of North-West Patagonia, Argentina

Mexican Exodus: Emigrants, Exiles, and Refugees of the Cristero War by Julia G. Young (review)


U.S. Mexico Borderlands and Religion

Elaine Lewinnek, Chicago’s Early Suburbs and The Roots of American Sprawl: book review


Catholic Extension: 100 Years Ago

Hate and Hope in the Upside Down World

Het is Thanksgiving in Amerika, en inmiddels ook een beetje in Nederland

50 year anniversary of Martin Luther King Assassination

Radical Hope

U.S. presidential elections: increase in anti-Latino racism

Catholic Borderlands: Mapping Catholicism onto American Empire 1905-1935

The Assassin