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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.M. (Lydia) Laninga-Wijnen, M


A New School, a Fresh Start? Change and Stability in Peer Relationships and Academic Performance in the Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Growing Up Successfully – The Influence Of Peers On Self-Regulatory Abilities In Emerging Adulthood

How peer status and ability track shape behavioral disengagement over the transition from primary to secondary school

Parents on the Sidelines: The Role of Parental Directing in Chinese Adolescents’ Friendship Dynamics Related to Academic Achievement, Aggression, and Prosocial Behavior

The Dominance of Liking: Uncovering Dyadic and Reputational Effects of Peer and Perceived Teacher Likes and Dislikes on Friendship Dynamics Among Chinese Adolescents

Does having vulnerable friends help vulnerable youth? The co-evolution of friendships, victimization, and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents' social networks

Is there really a healthy context paradox for victims of bullying? A longitudinal test of bidirectional within-and between-person associations between victimization and psychological problems

Peer similarity in adolescent social networks: Types of selection and influence, and factors contributing to openness to peer influence

The development of adolescents' loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of peer status and contact with friends

The growth of longitudinal social network analysis: A review of the key data sets and topics in research on child and adolescent development


Aardig gedrag in de klas

Wat maakt sommige kinderen zo populair?

How students form a pecking order

Friendship file: alles over friendship struggles

Vrienden zijn van levensbelang voor tieners