prof. dr. A.M.H. (AnneMieke) Boots

Chair on Aging of the immune system and inflammaging-associated diseases
Reumafonds/ Dutch Arthritis Society:
Aged CD16+ monocytes promote T helper 17-mediated pathology and vascular damage in giant cell arteritis 2015-2019
A novel model for the development of Giant Cell Arteritis: the autoantibody-independent role of B cells in the pathogenesis of Giant Cell Arteritis 2016-2020
Chinese Scholarship Counsel: Ageing, Inflamm-ageing and age-associated autoimmunity 2012-2016
Conacyt: Checkpoint molecule expression and function in vasculitis 2015-2019
UMCG PhD Scholarship: Failure of immune regulation in Giant Cell Arteritis 2017-2020
National Collaborations:
Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment:
Strengthening memory immunity in the aged population by vaccinating pre elderly 2013-2017
The Immune System and Ageing: A longitudinal Study 2016-2020
International Collaborations
Personalised Medicine in Diabetic Chronic Disease Management. H2020 PROMINENT (EU Consortium H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016
Vaccines and InfecTious diseases in the Ageing popuLation (VITAL) IMI-2 EU Consortium. 2019-2023
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 02:54 |