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Neurocognitive function in lower grade glioma patients selected for proton radiotherapy: real-world data from a prospective cohort study

Physical Activity Program among Cancer Survivors in General Practice: Evaluating Patient Outcomes

Cancer survivors' experiences of a physical activity program in primary care: a qualitative study

Marizomib for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: A randomized phase 3 trial

The Epigenetic Evolution of Glioma Is Determined by the IDH1 Mutation Status and Treatment Regimen

The STELLAR trial: a phase II/III randomized trial of high-dose, intermittent sunitinib in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

Physical exercise in patients with testicular cancer treated with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapy - pulmonary and vascular endothelial function: an exploratory analysis

Proposal of early CT morphological criteria for response of liver metastases to systemic treatments in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Alternatives to RECIST

A Phase II Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Selinexor in Recurrent Glioblastoma

Centralized proton therapy for medulloblastoma; an evaluation of the care infrastructure.


De ontwikkeling van FORCE, een landelijke infrastructuur om informatie over zeldzame tumoren te bundelen en toegankelijk te maken

‘Zonder stok achter de deur was ik eerder gestopt’

‘Twee weken na de chemo kon ik weer fulltime aan het werk’

Exercise During Chemo Shows Benefits for Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Exercise During Chemo May Help You Beat the Treatment’s Effects

Exercise during chemo may improve heart, lung function

Exercise During Chemo Helps Your Heart, Lungs Recover

Bewegung während der Chemotherapie hilft Ihrem Herzen und Ihrer Lunge, sich zu erholen

Exercise During Chemo Boosts Heart, Lung Function