dr. A. (Anne) Looijmans
Postdoctoral researcher

a.looijmans umcg.nl
Supervisie PhD studenten
Simon Spahrkäs (2021). Beating cancer-related fatigue with the Untire app . [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.194030494
Srishti Dang (2019 - huidig). Wishes and needs of diverse caregivers in general and towards digital tools.
Marijn Witziers (2023 - huidig). Sticking to guidelines to improve fatigue management for cancer survivors: designing a strategy that fits the needs of all
Liyan Chen (2023 - huidig). Communication about death between patients and adult-child caregivers at the advanced cancer stage: a dyadic perspective.
Supervisie van Master studenten
Marijn Witziers (2021-2022), Research Master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology. Beating cancer-related fatigue with the Untire app: a pre-test post-test study in the Netherlands.
Begeleiding van masterthesis van 10 Master studenten Psychologie tijdens promotietraject.
Basics in Psychology - Research master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology
Health Psychology - Research master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology
Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 januari 2024 12:08 |