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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.L.W. (Anke) Huckriede


Assessing human B cell responses to influenza virus vaccines and adjuvants in a PBMC-derived in vitro culture system

Inhibition of influenza virus infection in mice by pulmonary administration of a spray dried antiviral

Mucosal delivery of a prefusogenic-F, glycoprotein, and matrix proteins-based virus-like particle respiratory syncytial virus vaccine induces protective immunity as evidenced by challenge studies in mice

Original COVID-19 priming regimen impacts the immunogenicity of bivalent BA.1 and BA.5 boosters

Ad26.COV2.S priming provided a solid immunological base for mRNA-based COVID-19 booster vaccination

A Single Injection with Sustained-Release Microspheres and a Prime-Boost Injection of Bovine Serum Albumin Elicit the Same IgG Antibody Response in Mice

Circulating adipokine levels and COVID-19 severity in hospitalized patients

Comparison of media for a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based in vitro vaccine evaluation system.

Development of an inhalable antiviral powder formulation against respiratory syncytial virus

Durability of immune responses after boosting in Ad26.COV2.S-primed healthcare workers

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