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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Ineke) Keizer-Gunnink


Analysis of cGMP Signaling in Dictyostelium

GRminusRD: A Sensitive Assay to Detect Activation Processes at the Plasma Membrane in Living Cells

A conserved role for LRRK2 and Roco proteins in the regulation of mitochondrial activity

Combined FCS and PCH analysis to quantify protein dimerization in living cells

Forty-five years of cGMP research in Dictyostelium: Understanding the regulation and function of the cGMP pathway for cell movement and chemotaxis

The cytoskeleton regulates symmetry transitions in moving amoeboid cells

Coupled Excitable Ras and F-actin activation mediate spontaneous pseudopod formation and directed cell movement

GPCR-controlled membrane recruitment of negative regulator C2GAP1 locally inhibits Ras signaling for adaptation and long-range chemotaxis

A Worldwide Competition to Compare the Speed and Chemotactic Accuracy of Neutrophil-Like Cells

Homer3 regulates the establishment of neutrophil polarity

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