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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.J.P. (Guus) van den Brekel
University Medical Center Groningen

A.J.P. (Guus) van den Brekel

Research Impact, Analytics and Support | Medical Information Specialist | Pure UMCG Coördinator | Electronic Services | Medical Library, UMCG

Research interests

Research Impact, Analytics and Support / Findability /Visibitity / Aggregation / Re-Use of Information / Current Awareness / Workflow tools / Open Access / Open Science / Repositories
Coördinator Pure UMCG

+31 (0)610900687

If it's out there, and you need it somewhere else, in another way, I know how to do it.... or I will find out fast! 

Medical Information Specialist. The Web, Social & Virtual (Research) Networks for Health and Medicine. 
Works @cmbUMCG on 'The Infectious Library' 


Keeping up-to-date in your field of specialization in the new style! Awareness tools for ejournals

Into the user environment now! How users have changed and how libraries can adjust

Bijblijven op je vakgebied nieuwe stijl!: Awareness tools voor e-journals

Daar is ook een app voor!: Over medische bibliotheken, mobiel en apps

There is an App for That Too!: About-Medical-Libraries-and-Mobile-Apps

Science 2.0 Workshop in the Library: Trends, Tools & Tips

The NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition

Mobile Computing & Semantic Web für Medizin und die Informationsversorgung [Präsentation vom 19.09. 2011]


Guus van den Brekel krijgt EAHIL-award

Open Access publishing versus Quality

Blog series: WUR shares Data on Forest Ecology and Forest Management

Raising the visibility of your institution and researchers

Biomedische informatiespecialisten staan op de kaart

Ebsco Publieksprijs 2010