dr. A.J. (Bert) Nijboer

Nijboer, Albertus Johannes
Date of birth: 28-04-1960
Nationality: Dutch
MA (1985) - University of Groningen (RUG)
- major in Mediterranean Archaeology
- minor in Material Studies
BSc (1987) - University College London, Institute of Archaeology
- main subject: Conservation and Material Science
PhD (2-04-1998)
Title thesis: From Household Production to Workshops. Archaeological evidence for economic transformation, pre-monetary exchange and urbanisation in central Italy from 800 to 400 BC.
Promotor: Prof. dr. M. Kleibrink
Fields of interest
- Archaeology of Italy from 1200 to 400 BC;
- Orientalizing phenomenon in the Mediterranean during the Iron Age;
- conservation;
- chronology;
- artefact studies;
- trade;
- early medieval archaeology;
- fieldwork.
1984/1985;1985/1986: Niels Stensen Stichting, Amsterdam
As from December 1987: Dept. of Archeology (University of Groningen)
As from December 1987:Co-ordinator of the Laboratory for Conservation and Material Studies (LCM) of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen)
- Member of Departmental Board, Archaeology, University of Groningen
- Member of Educational Advisory Board Archaeology
- Coordinator International Exchange Students
- Coordinator Library Groningen Institute of Archaeology
- Member of Committee Scientific Information (EWI), Faculty of Arts
- Editorial Board BABesch (till 2007)
- Editorial Board Palaeohistoria (from 1999-2006)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Beyond the Homeland: Markers in Phoenician Chronology
- Member European Association of Archaeologists
- Rijksdienst voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, Amersfoort.
- Scheepsvaartmuseum Ketelhaven.
- Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek naar Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap, Amsterdam.
- Conservation Department, British Museum, London.
- 'Relatie Geologie en Archeologie' voor het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch en Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap (K.N.G.M.G.).
- 'Industry and Technology at Borgo le Ferriere <Satricum>, 700-300 B.C.' At 'Fifth Conference of Italian Archaeology held at Oxford', December 11-13.
- 'The Role of Craftsmen in the Urbanization Process of Central Italy (8th. to 6th. centuries BC)' at Symposium `Urbanization in the Mediterranean in the 9th to 6th centuries BC, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Copenhagen, 17-21 May.
- Material Studies from Satricum (700-400 BC): Pottery and Metal Analyses' at 'Science and Archaeology Conference', Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 14-17 October.
- Het ontstaan van steden in centraal Italië tussen 800 en 400 v.Chr. bij Het Arnhems Genootschap.
- Pre-monetary exchange and metrology; the scattered data from central Italy, 800 to 400 BC, at second congress of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) at Riga.
- 'Regimes of Hoarding', 31 March at 4de Fransum Colloquium.
- ‘Het ontstaan van stad en markt in Midden-Italië, 700 tot 400 v.Chr.’, 14 april, Werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Universiteit Utrecht.
- ‘Aspects of Archaic Towns in Southern and Central Italy’, May 19-20, Colloquium ‘De Griekse Stad’, University Gent.
- ‘Social dynamics and craft specialisation in central Italy during the 7th to 5th centuries BC’, September 15-19, 5th EAA congress, Bournemouth.
- Introduction during the ‘Colloque organisé par l’École française de Rome et le Centro Universitario Europeo per I Beni Culturali de Ravello; ‘L’artisanat Métallurgique dans les sociétés anciennes en Méditerranée Occidentale. Techniques, Lieux et Formes de Production’; May 6, 2000 at Ravello, Italy.
- ‘Un nuovo punto di riferimento per la cronologia assoluta della prima Età del Ferro in Italia’; Convegno at Francavilla Marittima, Italy, September 10.
- August 2, Nettuno at the close of the excavation from July 7 till August 4 at the military terrain ‘Il Poligono’ at Nettuno (Roma). ‘Nostro lavoro eseguito sulla costa del terreno militare di Poligono nelle quatro settimane scorso’
- September 7 at Luik, UISPP Congres, ‘The Absolute Chronology of the Iron Age in the Western Mediterranean’.
- September 21 at Esslingen am Neckar, EAA Annual Meeting, ‘Chronological discontinuities: the Iron Age in the Mediterranean’.
- November 3 at Groningen, TMA Symposium, ‘Een debat over chronologiën’
- December 14 at Groningen. GIA onderzoeksdag, ‘Historische gegevens zijn relatief bij het opstellen van een absolute chronologie voor de protohistorie’.
- 22-26 April 2002 VU, 33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry. Presentation: “Fabrics of architectural terracottas and pottery from Satricum, central Italy, 6th – early 5th centuries BC”. Published on website: www.lcm.rug.nl
- “Jewellers’ workshops in context” during 1st SITOA Symposium, Madrid, 23-25 october.
- 30-31 October, Congress: Oriente e Occidente: metodi e discipline a confronto. Riflessioni sulla cronologia dell'età del ferro italiana. Title lecture: La cronologia assoluta dell’età del Ferro nel Mediterraneo, dibattito sui metodi e sui risultati. Published in Conference Proceedings.
- 25 November, Florence: XXXIX Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. Materie prime e scambi nella Preistoria italiana. Title lecture: The organisation of production and the principles of exchange from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic period. Published in the Proceedings of this Conference.
- September, Lisbon
- December Lille
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 1.05 p.m. |