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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars


Inleiding in de Orthopedagogiek

Als rekenen niet wil lukken: Het belang van automatiseren

Comparison of Social Valdidity Ratings with the Effects of a Video-feedback Intervention for Communication Partners of Individuals with Deafblindness

An instrument for dimensional diagnosis of a child’s constitution (ICC)

Effects of an Intervention Program on Interaction and Communication in Adults with Congenital Deafblindness and an Intellectual Disability

The relationship between soundscapes and challenging behavior: A small-scale intervention study in a healthcare organization for individuals with severe or profound intellectual disabilities

Vijftig jaar Orthopedagogiek Groningen: Magst mie leuven of nait

A comparison of natural and non-natural soundscapes on people with severe of profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

Automatisering van basale rekenkennis en het ontstaan van rekenproblemen: Drempels in het tot stand komen van feitenkennis en procedurele kennis

Fostering Emotion Expression and Affective Involvement with Communication Partners in People with Congenital Deafblindness and Intellectual Disabilities