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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.I. (Andreea) Sburlea, Dr


How disentangled are your classification uncertainties?

Optimization of transfer learning based on source sample selection in Euclidean space for P300-based brain-computer interfaces

Towards unlocking motor control in spinal cord injured by applying an online EEG-based framework to decode motor intention, trajectory and error processing

Transferring BCI models from calibration to control: Observing shifts in EEG features

Uncertainty Quantification for cross-subject Motor Imagery classification

Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning for Biosignal Applications -- A Review

Continuous 2D trajectory decoding from attempted movement: across-session performance in able-bodied and feasibility in a spinal cord injured participant

Online asynchronous detection of error-related potentials in participants with a spinal cord injury using a generic classifier

Assessing the impact of vibrotactile kinaesthetic feedback on electroencephalographic signals in a center-out task

Continuous low-frequency EEG decoding of arm movement for closed-loop, natural control of a robotic arm