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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Ana) Guerberof Arenas, Dr


Artificial intelligence, automation and the language industry

“A Spanish version of EastEnders”: a reception study of a telenovela subtitled using MT

Creative skills development: training translators to write in the era of AI

Does training in post-editing affect creativity?

To be or not to be: A translation reception study of a literary text translated into Dutch and Catalan using machine translation

Ethics and machine translation: The end user perspective

Migrant communities living in the Netherlands and their use of MT in healthcare settings

Migrant communities living in the Netherlands and their use of MT in health contexts

To be or not to be: a translation reception study of a literary text translated into Dutch and Catalan using machine translation

Bilingual e-books via neural machine translation and their reception

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The Last Frontier of Machine Translation

Die letzte Grenze der maschinellen Übersetzung

University of Groningen: Major European Grant For Ana Guerberof Arenas And Tina Kretschmer

'Uitblinkende' wetenschappers van RUG ontvangen grote Europese beurs voor baanbrekend onderzoek

RUG-onderzoekers slepen miljoenenbeurzen in de wacht

Grote Europese beurzen voor Ana Guerberof Arenas en Tina Kretschmer

Should Scholars Trust Machine Translation of their Articles?

Post-Editing Machine Translation Limits Creativity in Literary Translation — Research

Aglatech14 Announces the Launch of Its Technology Spinoff Orbital14

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