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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Andrea) Giuntoli, PhD


Influence of counterions on the thermal and solution properties of strong polyelectrolytes

A Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Model for the Simulation of Lubricating Greases

A Molecular Dynamics Study of Mechanical and Conformational Properties of Conjugated Polymer Thin Films

Bidispersity Improves the Toughness and Impact Resistance of Star-Polymer Thin Films

Looping and gelation kinetics in reversible networks based on furan and maleimide

Structure-Property Relationships of Granular Hybrid Hydrogels Formed through Polyelectrolyte Complexation

Thermomechanically and Conformationally Consistent Coarse-Graining of Donor-Acceptor Polymers via Energy Renormalization Approach

Predicting the Effect of Hardener Composition on the Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Epoxy Resins Using Molecular Modeling

Semi-Parametric Functional Calibration Using Uncertainty Quantification Based Decision Support

Shear Thinning from Bond Orientation in Model Unentangled Bottlebrush Polymer Melts