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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.F. (Anja) Ernst, PhD


A comprehensive model framework for between-individual differences in longitudinal data

A Network Analysis Exploration of PTSD, Depression, Somatic Complaints, and Anxiety Disorders in a Colombian Sample of Victims of the Armed Conflict

Changing networks: Moderated idiographic psychological networks

ClusterVAR: Fitting Latent Class Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) Models

Evaluating Contextual Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data in the Presence of Noise

Mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

Clustering intensive longitudinal data through mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

Dynamic clustering: classifying people through ecological momentary assessment

Identifying homogeneous sub-groups through mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

Mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling